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i got into the arena where the twins would be performing, of course i bought myself front row tickets. i was trying to see as much of them as a i could. it was weird though, they actually talked to me. they messaged me back on twitter. i was literally the luckiest girl. the twins came out and again the girls screamed and reached their hands out to touch them. my eyes immediately locked on ethan's, while his locked on mine. i felt myself starting to blush just like at the airport, the world stopped. i heard and felt my heart beating rapidly. he turned away to do his show. it hit me that this wasn't just something his does to every fan. maybe he wanted me. maybe it was just a crazy thought. no matter how much i thought about ethan, what my life with him would or could be, my feelings for him, my always mind pondered to grayson and his perfect smile.

after the show i lined up for the meet and greet. i was so nervous to finally talk to them. i know we talk over text but it wasn't the same. i got there and saw the boys that stole my heart. took my breath away. we took a picture and i just went total fan girl, i almost cried again, but i let my strong self get the best of me. they basically already knew how much i loved them through twitter and our messages. we talked for a good minute until they finally said i had to go and let another fan have a chance to meet them. it made sense but i wish i didn't have to go even though they probably would dm me later. i just wanted to cherish all the moments i had with them for as long as i could. as i was saying my goodbyes i looked at ethan and he looked sad, lost in thought. i wondered why. but i didn't ask. i just left wondering how to make my heart not ache for them both.

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