Chapter One

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Another Murder Case

One of the hardest desisions you'll ever face in life is choosing whether to walk away or try harder. That's exactly what I had done, I walked away from the only home I've ever know. I walked away from the constant abuse that I fought agaisnt both mentally and physically. Walking away was honestly the best choice I had ever made.

I cut all the connections I had with my family, changed my name and along with my looks. My once long light brown hair was now cut to my shoulders and dyed black. I stop wearing contacts and went with glasses. I am now known as Biance Thornton, a C.C.P also known as Cunningham County Police.

I was the only girl on the force, so I didnt really get much respect from any of my fellow police officers. I worked hard to get where I am now, and that's all because I was strong enough to walk away.



I snap my head in the direction of the voice and see my boss the sheriff enter the room. "Listen up, you little shits!" He yells, using one of the many nicknames he has for us, to gain the rest of the officers attention.

"We just got another call from camp ground, another murder has taken place." He says, sounding irritated about this case already. Every summer we get at least one call about the old Camp Crystal Lake being a site for numerous murders, but not once did we ever find the murderer.

"It's probably another dead end!" Shouts a officer from the back of the room. Getting a lot of nods from his peers. "No, it's Jason Voorhees!" Shouts another one, causing laughs to erupt around the room. I however stayed silent and serious.

"Enough!" The sheriff snaps, getting everyone's attention. "I'm sending two officers over there along with ambulance service." He stated, getting a couple groans from people around the room. It's the same thing every year. Look around the camp, identify the dead, bag anything that looks important, and find no evidence of the killer.

I've never been called to go to the camp, which is something I really want to do. I want to know what's so scary about the place. "Officer Thornton." My name being called snaps me out of my trance and I look over at the sheriff.

"You will be going but dont worry, you'll be with Kade." He stated making me groan internally. He just partnered me with the Sheriffs Deputy. Kade is nothing but a sexist pig. He thinks he is better then everyone because he got the job.

This was my chance to finally go investigate the camp, I wasn't going to let a spoiled brat ruin that for me. Standing up from where I was sitting at, I head towards the door where Kade stood with a smug smile. "Report back when you find anything." The sheriff declared before turning back to the group and signing jobs for the others.

"Follow my lead when we get to the camp, and make sure you stick by my side." Kade stated with a wink as we walked to his assigned vehicle. Rolling my eyes, I settle in the passenger seat. "This isn't the first murdering case I handle." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me. He snorts as he started the car and peels out of the parking lot.

"Yeah because the warehouse case you cracked is the same as this one." Kade stated with a roll of his eyes. The murder that had happened in the warehouse was one of the hardest case that the police department ever had, beside the camp crystal lake murders every year. I ignored his comment and continued to look out the window as we made our way to the camp site.

Once we arrived, we were surrounded by nothing but nature. I was mesmerized by how beautiful and calm this place was, hard to think that this place is famous for the killings. "Right over there is the survivor, why don't you go over and ask her some question. That should be easy enough for you." Kade suggested with a smirk as he got out of the car. I rolled my eyes and mumbled curse words under my breath and got out of the car as well. 

I glared over at Kade as he walked over to a body that laid a couple feet away from the car, with the head completely off. For a split second I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up as if someone was looking at me, but the feeling went away soon after. Walking over to the crying girl who seemed to jump at every little sound, I stand in front of her.

"Excuse me ma'am." I say gentle as I kneel down to get a better look at her. Her head snaps up and she stares at me with wide eyes before sighing out in relief. "Oh thank god you are here!" She cries out, jumping up and throwing her arms around me. I tense under the forge feeling and gentle pry her off me. "He is still out there!" She yelled out as she grabbed her hair and pulled at it as more tears ran down her cheeks.

"Who is still out there?" I asked as I  steered her back and sat her down to try and calm her down. She started to hyperventilate as she scanned the area with wide eyes, as if trying to find the person she is talking about. 

"The killer." She whispered as she leaded forward, "The man in the hockey mask." She added before only the whites of her eyes could be seen as she passes out and falls in my arms.
A/n - I wanted to give a shout out to a person named FarrisEclipse for helping me with the cover but I dont think they have an account anymore.
    Anyways! I hope you all enjoy this story! Feel free to vote and leave comments!

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