Chapter Twelve

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"I want a closed casket funeral. However, towards the end of the service, I want to have the organist play "Pop goes the weasel" over and over until everyone in the attendance is staring at my coffin with silent, horrified anticipation."

"I am Jason Voorhees." His voice echoed around the woods, or at least in my mind. It took me a second to comprehend what he had just said, there was no way. I narrowed my eyes at the man before me. "Do you think I am stupid?" I snapped, growing even more angry by the minute.

"Do you really want me to answer that?" He asked as he tilt his head, I could have sworn he was amused at the moment. "You're not Jason Voorhees!" I yelled angrily as I raised the branch and pointed it at him. "Yeah? And why can't I?" He asked, catching me off guard with his question. 

"You don't look like a 72 year old!" I stated with a smug smile, thinking I had tricked him. "I look good for my age don't I?" He declared sarcastically with a roll of his eyes. "It is a long story, which is none of your business." He snapped a second later, not giving me time to answer back. 

"Fine, Jason. How did a young boy survive 'drowning' in the lake when he didn't even know how to swim?" I asked making air quotes with my fingers as I said the word drowning. Rolling his eyes, he turned around and walked away from me. "You tell me." Was his answer as he continued to walk away.

I was beyond irritated by every anwser I got from him. "You didn't even answer any of the questions! How do you expect me to believe you!" I yelled out in frustration. I stomped after him, he didn't stop. Just continued as if he didn't even hear me.

"I'm not done with you!" I snap, my face growing red with angry. He stops suddenly and whips around, glaring down at me. I rise the branch up out of reflex. He glanced down at it and tilted his head.

"What do you plan on doing with that?" He asked pointing to the branch. "I plan on beating the shit out of you with it!" I snapped seriously but it only caused him to let out a deep chuckle. "It takes more then a twig to kill me." He stated, earning a grunt from me.

"Twig?" I ask in disbelief, even with both hands wrapped around the branch, I was still not able to touch my finger tips together. Caught off guard, from analyzing the branch, it was ripped from my hands.

"What the hell!?" I gasped looking up at the man as he held the branch with his arms at shoulder length and brought it down on his knee, snapping the branch into half as if it was a twig. "Shit." I mumbled as I stared at the two ends of my weapon with wide eyes.

"Twig." He stated confidently as he tossed the two ends off to the side. Well shit, there goes my weapon. It was a stupid idea anyways. "Go home." He groaned out walking back over to a pile of chopped wood.

"I don't have a home!" I snapped getting defensive, it sadden me a little being reminded how I had just lost everything. He looked back at me in surprise. "You are telling me, that a cop doesn't have a home?" He asked with a smug tone, obviously not believing me.

"They blamed me for Ethan's death! The whole town blames me for it!" I hiss out, trying to stop the tears from falling. "I assume that's your partner I killed?" He asked, but it didn't really sound like a question.

He didn't give me much time to respond, instead he let's out another loud deep chuckle. "That's great!" He states before laughing again. "Glad to know my misery is hilarious to you." I grumble out and cross my arms over my chest.

"Why haven't you tried to kill me yet!?" I snapped. I was highly confused with everything right now. "Not in the mood." He mumbled with a shrug of his shoulders as he starts to gather chopped wood up. "Not in the mood?!" I snort out.

"That's a bunch of bull shit!" I yelled in defense. Why am I talking back to a killer, do I seriously have a death wish? "I can kill you now, if that's what you want." He said in a monotone voice, which kind of gave me the chills. "Uh, no." I mumbled unsure at the moment.

"Then leave." He declared walking to his mossy cover cabin, being the stupid women that I am, followed after him. "How can you not be in the mood? You're a killer!" I stated, he stopped right before he got to the porch.

"Why does it matter to you? Why are you even here talking to me? You should be running away, screaming for your life not giving attitude!" He groaned looking over his shoulder at me. "Because I just want answers! Nothing makes sense anymore!" I tried to yell out but it came out more of a whimper.

"The curse controls me at midnight, that's when all the killings happen. For the most part anyways." He stated, turning around completely to look down at me.

Deathly Love (Jason Voorhees)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant