Chapter Four

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"You stabbed me a hundred times and then you acted like you where the one who was bleeding and the worse part was that everyone was helping you, while I was bleeding to death."

"Leave me alone!" A girl yells out hysterically, the girl known as the survivor. She runs into a shed, growing tired and crying as her shaking legs, which where covered in many cuts from thorns, gives out as she falls to the ground with a thud.

She spots a plank of wood about a foot away from her and grabs it. Forcing her tired limbs to move, she hides behind a wood chipper, which is the only place in the shed to hide. Holding the plank close to her chest, she tries to calm her breathing but once she hears the heavy foot steps coming closer, her breathing stops all together.

As the foot steps move closer, she grips the plank tighter and yells out as she puts all her strength in the swing with the plank. The man who received the blow, stood his ground as his head was jerked to the side. The straps that held the mask to his head snapped off and the mask fell to the ground.

The girl screamed out, either in fear of the situation she was in or out of horror of seeing the mans face before hers. Snapping his head towards the girl, he managed to catch the plank before it was smashed against his face again. He yanked the plank out of her hands and tossed it far away from her.

The girl yelped as she frantically looked around, trying to find anything to protect herself from the man. To her luck, a little hand gun laid on a small stool. She wasn't the only one who had spotted the gun. Both the man and the girl dived for it but the man was quicker, he knocked it off the stool and grabbed the stool instead.

With a quick snap, the man broke off one of the legs. Using it as some sort of weapon, he points it towards the girl almost in a daring way. The girl barely had time to react, but she managed to dive out of the way and landed on the floor on her hands and knees. In the corner of her eye, she spotted the gun. 

Reaching out she grabbed it by the handle and pointed it up at the man who stood over her. "Die already!" She cried out as she pulled the trigger. Nothing happen and both the man and the girl looked at the gun in confusion. "No, no NO!" The girl screamed out. Taking this has his chance, the man swings the leg down on the girls shoulder, causing the girl to scream out again, but this time it was out of pain. 

"Ahhh! No please stop!" The girl cried out, knowing that her pleads would fall on deaf ears. She dragged herself away from the man using one arm, while she still held on tight to the gun. "What!?" She gasped as she saw the safety still on. Letting a small smile of victory fall on her face she fell on her back and faced the man again who was already looming over her with the leg held high.

"Die you son of a bitch!" She yelled and with that she turned the safety off and rapidly hit the trigger. She watched as bullet after bullet imbedded into his chest. He fell on his knees as his hands when up to his chest, then he fell face first on the ground. The girl sighed in relief as she looked at the lifeless body before her. 


With a gasped and a jerk of the body, I fling myself away from the mask and point the gun to the person who stood behind me. "Whoa!" Kade yelped as he held his hands up. "It's just me!" He called out with wide eyes. I lowered my gun quickly and bowed my head. "I'm sorry, you scared the shit out of me." I mumbled, deciding to not tell him about the vision I just had. 

"What's that?" He asked as he looked down at the object that soaked in the blood. "It is a hockey mask." I stated as I too looked back down at it. My thoughts were at the vision I had, I wonder what that was about. It was the girl who survived and who I am assuming was Jason Voorhees. I wasn't for sure though, because it seemed like I was looking through the eyes on the man the whole time. 

"Bag it and lets go. I am getting hungry." Kade declared as I nodded my head. 'How can you be hungry at a moment like this?' I thought to myself as I gently placed the mask in the bag, that Kade had given me.

With that, both of us left the camp but I had better things to do then eat. I wanted to check out the evidence room on the past murders that had happen here

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