Chapter Fifteen

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"I'm the ugly sister. I'm the horrible daughter. I'm not even the second choice. I'm the 'leftover'... I'm not the clever one. I'm not he skinny one. I'm the talentless one. I'm the 'Why are you even here?' I'm just not good enough."

"Now you leave before I kill you." His voice echo's in my mind as I stare at the man before me in confusion. "What? Are you kidding me?" I asked as I stood up and crossed my arms. I throw my arms out as I sigh dramatically, "I have so many questions and I still don't quite believe you either!" I mumbled with a frown.

He sighed deeply and lifted his machete up in the air. "Fuck!" I yelled out as I cover my face with my hands. Wood splitting entered my ears as I cringed at the noise. I dropped my hands from my face and glanced at the man, he was walking away. Away from his machete that was deep in the kitchen table.

"Where are you going?" I whispered, not aloud enough for him to hear. I was still a little spooked and I didn't want him to snap at me. A couple seconds later the man returned with a old looking newspaper. He dropped it in front of me and jabbed his finger at a certain spot. He slowly lifted his finger and moved it to his side. 

I leaned over the table to get a better look at the paper, right where he had just pointed to earlier. It was a little kid, I knew instantly who it was. Jason Voorhees. I was told what he had looked like, but I never really seen what the kid looked like. He was a bald little kid, with a slight bigger head then the other kids, his left eye was drooping a bit, and his top lip was cleft. 

"Yes I know as much, this is Jason Voorhees." I stated as I continued to look at the picture, unaware of the sound of something thudding against the table. "But what does this suppose-" I mumbled as I started to look up at the man, what I saw made me stop mid sentence. 'Oh shit.' I thought to myself. 

Same droopy eye, same cleft lip. Everything was the same, except his head wasn't bald but covered in little stubbles of red hair. Everything was aged but it was obvious that this man was the little kid in the newspaper, that this man was in fact Jason Voorhees. "Okay, I believe you." I whispered.

He didn't waste another minute putting his mask back on. The whole time, I couldn't tare my eyes away from him. I wanted to run and scream for my life but then again I wanted to stay and get to know this man who was still a mystery to me. 

"Would you quit looking at me!" He snapped making me flinch and look away. "Sorry, I am just shocked." I mumbled becoming shy. "You need to leave now." He sighed as he placed his machete back in his holster and started to walk out of the kitchen. 

"Come on." His loud voice came from the living room. I quickly ran after the room and followed after Jason as he walked outside. It was strange calling this man by his name. Weird having a decent conversation with the Camp Crystal Lake Murderer. "Uh where are you taking me?" I asked as I tried to catch up with him. 

"Showing you the way out." He stated in a monotone voice. The fast pace walk we were going at was making me worn out. The loud music from the teens that arrived earlier could be heard again. "Go that way." He grunted out, I can tell that his so called curse is starting to take over. You can see himself fighting the urge to kill, to kill me. 

"Let's play a game!" I voice shouts making my blood run cold. "You got to be kidding me." I mumbled angrily as I stomped past Jason and over to the group of people who were already partying. Before I can make myself known, the grip of Jason's hand on my shoulder stops me. "What are you doing?" He whispered in my ear, sounding a bit amused. 

"I know him!" I pointed over to the man that was standing on a log as he towered over everyone else that was at the camp site. "Oh yeah? He comes here a lot." Jason said as he looked over at the group. "What?!" I snapped turning around, not noticing how close we were until I collided with him. 

"He always shows up with a new group of people every couple of weekends. Gets them to the point where they are wasted and leaves before midnight. Before my curse takes over, I am never able to kill him." Jason explains as he glares at the man as he cheers as two other man start having a drinking contest. 

I turned around and glared at the man as he encouraged the group to drink more. "Kade." I whispered. What was the sheriffs deputy doing here and why was is he bringing new batches of people to be killed off?

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