Chapter Fourteen

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"Maybe that's it. We eventually go numb; because you can't break a heart that's already broken."

As of right now, I am lightly sitting on an old chair in the kitchen table, to scared that if I put all my weight on it, it would snap sending me to the floor. The man sat across from me, looking comfortable as he leaned back in his chair. 

"I was born on June 13, 1946 to Elias and Pamela Voorhees." He stated in a bored tone. "What happen to your father?" I asked, I heard about his supposedly mother but nothing about the father. "Don't interrupt me." He snapped sounding inpatient, I only nodded once and kept my mouth shut.

"You can ask question after I am done, no promises if I answer them though." He mumbled and I only nodded again. I was a little scared that if I opened my mouth he would snap at me. "Elias left while I was a baby, my mother raised me alone in isolation. I had severe facial deformities which caused people to stay clear of me or make fun of me." He explained, making me feel quite sad for him.

"I had to go to camp with my mother one year, I stayed with her as much as I could, wanting to avoid all the mean kids who would bully me. One day though I was caught by my bullies, they shoved and pushed me until we got to the docks. The counselors were suppose to be watching us, but instead they were talking and having sex in the woods." He went on, only causing me to become more sad.

I knew what was going to happen next from all the tales around town, but hearing it from him made it seem more real as if I was actually talking to the real Jason. "Once on the dock, they started yelling mean names at me before I was shoved into the water. I was never taught how to swim, so I drowned. They never found my body, they didn't look much either. I was laying on the muddy lake floor." He explained. I really wanted to ask some questions, but I knew better.

"Midnight on the dot, a red moon appeared. Bright red blood shined high in the sky. I was engulfed in blood red water. The ray's from it was so bright that I could see if from the bottom of the lake." He explained as he gazed out of the kitchen window at the sun that was beginning to set. How long have I been out here.

"There was something magical about that moon, or so I thought. My eyes snapped open and instead of feeling numb from death, my body felt tingly and light, so light that I started to float back up to the surface. I was so confused, nothing made since."

"When I got to the surface, I didn't question it, I just got out of the water as soon as I could. I didn't want to stay in there any longer. I ran through the woods hoping that I could find my mother before she left. But what I found instead haunts me to this day." He sighed with a sadness that I've never seen before. I instantly knew where this was going, it was all in the story's.

"I came just in time to watch my mother get beheaded by this machete." He said as he dropped the machete that he has been carrying around with him for a while. He placed it on the table between us, my eyes widen as my eyes got stuck on the dried blood that crusted the blade.

"The rage I felt at the moment, tied my destiny to this land. I've never wanted to harm anyone before but at that moment I want to drive that blade through that girls heart. I walk this land getting revenge for my mother. Killing all the people who were like the terrible counselor when I was a kid." He declared with venom in his voice.

I continued to stare at the man before me, he was just looking at me or more like glaring at me. I figured he was finished, so hopefully it was safe to talk.

"Okay, so you drowned in this lake but only to be resurrected when a blood moon appeared, who knows how long you were down there for. Upon arriving back to land, you made it right in time to witness your mothers death. And that rage you felt in that moment makes up your whole curse?" I asked as I let all the information sink in.

"Yep" he mumbled as he gazed back out the window, I noticed him clenching his machete but decided to ignore it. "I have so many questions." I stated confusingly, earning a nod from him but that was all.

"Now what?" I asked wondering where this will go now. Was I aloud to ask questions?

"Now you leave before I kill you."

A/n - I changed some of the information from Jason's past to kind of make more sense with my plot. So yes I know if some of the information is wrong, just go with it!

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