Chapter Thirteen

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"I love dark humor. I love things that are so grounded in life, but just happen to be just a little bit twisted because my sense of humor is a little bit twisted. I love jokes that shouldn't be funny, but are. Those types  of things just really make me laugh."

"Curse?" I snorted in disbelief. "You are telling me that the reason you go on killing sprees every night is because you are cursed?" I asked, gathering all this information in. I wanted answers so I can finally make sense of everything, but instead I just grow even more confused by the answers I am receiving. 

"That's what I said." Came his sarcastic reply, and right then I knew he must be joking with me. Deciding to play along, I place my pointer finger and my thumb on my chin in a thinking manner, before snapping my fingers and pointing at the man in front of me. I grew excited in a obnoxious way as a smile spread across my face.

"Let me guess, the only way to break the curse is a true loves kiss?" I asked excitedly, as I tried to hold back my laughter. He looked down at me and since he was wearing a mask, it was hard to decipher his reaction. His eyes though, gave it all away because he glared down at me in disgust, before shaking his head.

"Of course not, this isn't no fairy tale. Happy endings don't exist, especially for people like me." He declared, catching me off guard by sadness in his voice. He didn't wait for a response, he just turned around and disappeared into his house. I was frozen where I stood, shocked that one man can hold so much sadness in his voice and his eyes. I almost felt bad for him 

I didn't know what to do, I still wanted answers but he left inside of his house. He did leave the door open though, but was I really that stupid to walk in after him? Yes, yes I was. I walked up the creaky stairs and made my way inside. Glancing around as soon as I step a foot inside all I see is an old couch that is messing one of its legs, a dirty rug, a fire place that was lite and a wooded coffee table. Dust covered everything in the, what I assumed was the living room. 

The man was hunched over by the fire place, stacking wood against the wall that was next to it. "It's not good manners to walk into someone else house." He stated dryly as he glance over his shoulder at me, causing me to blush a bit in embarrassment. "Do you really have room to talk about bad manners?" I asked a second later with a smug smile as I continued to observe everything in the living room.

I didn't dare leave my spot by the front door, I didn't want to push my luck so I stayed where I was. He only shrugged his shoulder to my remark, didn't even say one word. I didn't know what to say next and even if I did, I would have been cut off by music. What sounded like rap music was blaring from a cars stereo. I snapped my head over to the man quickly, afraid that he was going to be stomping off in the direction. 

He just kneeled in his spot by the fire place. "Their time will come soon, and so will yours if you stay here any longer." Out came his monotone voice. "Since you are supposedly a killer, then why warn me? Why don't you try to keep me here so your curse can get you to kill me?" I asked crossing my arms and leaning against the door frame. I wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon, not until I have some answers. 

"You wouldn't understand." He mumbled as he stood up, his knees cracking as he went. "Well that is what I am trying to do, but you wont give me a straight answer." I snapped in defense. "I got no place to be." I mumbled sadly as I walked over to the couch and plopped down on it, dust flying up as I smacked the cushions. Coughing a little, I look behind me to see the man glancing down at me with annoyance but I only smile innocently up at him.

 "Are you a teen? No you are not. Are you doing drugs or drinking? Nope. Maybe you are having sex on my property? The answer is still no." He went on as he now stands in front of me. I looked up at him weirdly. "What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

"Have you not heard the story of Jason Voorhees and the Camp Blood?" He asked in shock. I chuckled awkwardly as I rubbed the back of my neck. "The whole town knows about it, but when anyone would tell me, I kind of let it go in one ear and out the other." I explained with another chuckle. "But I know the main parts, Like killer running loose, who is supposedly Jason Voorhees, the kid that drown but lived to see his mother get beheaded." I stated soon after.

I noticed that he flinched at the last thing I said. "Fine you want to know who I am and my past, I'll tell you." He declared in his deep voice, instantly making me happy. This is what I've wanted! 

"Then I will have to kill you." He declared soon after, making my smile drop. 

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