Chapter Twenty-Two

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"There's something to the feeling of not knowing your surroundings, not seeing the color of things as they appear, but as they truly are. There's something about the unknown, the quiet, the cold. There's something unspoken about the dark, something I can never quite put words to. Something terrifying yet beautiful." 

"Is everything that comes out of your mouth lies?" Jason asked as he watched me slump to the ground, my hands goes around my neck rubbing the soar area as I try and breathe. "No Jason, I am telling the truth." I gasp out, my throat throbbing in pain. "And I am in deep shit, I don't know what to do anymore." My voice comes out shaky as I look up at him.

Jason doesn't say anything as his gaze lingers over me. "Fine, follow me." He snaps, still angry. I can't really blame him. I would find it hard to trust me too, especially with what I am about to tell him. He begins to walk away, to which I assume is the direction of his house. I slowly get up and follow him, making sure to leave a safe distance behind him. I really don't want to be strangled again.

After about 5 minutes of walking through the woods, a familiar house appears. His house. Leading me through the front door and into the kitchen. "Sit." He ordered, pointing to the chair that was at the table. Obeying, I take a seat and stare at Jason's back as he hunched himself over the kitchen counter. 

"I'll give you five minutes to spill, if it isn't a good enough reason I will finish what I started." He declared as he pushed himself off the counter and walked over to me. Standing beside me, he crosses his arms and narrows his eyes at me. 

"I am being blacked mailed, forced into blowing up your house with you in it." I blurt out. "Is this part of the plan then? Good way to get into my house to start the fire!?" He snaps, slamming his hands on the table making me jump. "No! I don't want to kill you. I'd rather ruin the rest of my life to save yours." I declared standing up, getting defensive.

"Start from the beginning." He mutters, pushing me back down in my chair quite harshly. He walks over to the other side of the table and takes a seat, his gaze still locked on me. So that's what I do, I tell him everything. I don't go into deep details. 

"Why would he black mail you with your parents." Jason asked after a second of staying in silence. This was what I was hoping I wouldn't have to go into deep details about. Taking a deep breath, I look down at my hands.

"My parents were abusive. It started when I turned 6, they got into gambling and lost all of their money. They grew in debt and things only grew worse. They became angry, and took it out on me. Years went on and the beatings only grew worse, alcohol got involve." I  declared growing hysterical.

I didn't notice the tears streaming down my face as I gasp for air again. "I spent so hard becoming who I am now so I gave in and said I would do it. But I can't!" I yell out standing up suddenly as I knock the chair to the ground. 

"You may not believe me but I do care for you Jason!" I sob out, my sudden action caused Jason to stand up too. "I am willing to ruin the rest of my life and be sent to an asylum just so I can't hurt you!" I declared as the tears come down much faster.

Jason's eyes switches between mine, as if he was figuring out something. He sighed softly as he grabbed my shoulders making me flinch. He yanked me into his hard chest and wrapped his arms around me. Shocked and surprised my arms laid limp by my sides. 

"What can I do?" He asked as he gentle push my shoulders till I was at least arm length away from him. My mouth drops as I try to think of anything. "Uh-" I mumbled as I stare at his mask. Jason tense as his head snaps towards the window. "Stay here." He snapped angrily as his hands drops off my shoulders. 

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