Chapter Eight

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"I've been stabbed in the back by those I needed the most. I've been lied to those I love, and I've felt alone when I couldn't afford to be. But at the end of the day, I had to learn to be my own bestfriend, because there's going to be days where no one is going to be there for me, but myself."

I knew better then to arrive back at the camp without much needed sleep, and without a weapon of some sort. Once I arrived back to my apartment and took a nap for a couple hours, I rammedaged through everything to find a suitable weapon. Which was just a nice sized pocket knife.

"I need to have more protection around the house." I mumbled to myself in disappointment. It was 11 o'clock right now and I had an hour to get there, which would consist of the walking. Locking my doors, but leaving my window cracked just incase I didn't return with the keys, I headed for the long walk to camp.

Fifty-five minutes to be exact, I was now standing next to the car, just the way I had left it. Patting my back pocket, the lump bulging out let me know that my pocket knife was still with me. "I got this." I mumbled quietly to myself as I took a deep breathe in. I was beyond nervous and I don't know why. Tonight would be the night that everything fits togethers.

I stood my ground, tapping my foot as I grew impatient. The knot in my stomach causing me to feel sick. It had to be minutes after midnight and there was no sight of anyone. A twig snapping behind me, actually making me yelp out as I jerked around, nothing but a little bunny hopped out of the bush. 

I chuckled to myself, for being so silly in a moment like this. Once the bunny had disappeared into another bush, I turned around. I let out scream this time when my eyes land on a tall figure who stood literal right in front of me now. Trying to look intimidating after just screaming like a little girl, I glare at the man before me. 

"I brought the mask, now give me my stuff back. All of it!" I demanded, even thought my voice was shaking through out it. The man took a step closer, stepping out of the shadow and into the moon light. He wore what looked like a burlap sack over his head, with one hole over the right eye.

His one eye that showed, which was a icy blue, glance down at the mask that I was holding. I continued to stare at the man, a little to baffled at the moment to say or do anything. My neck was almost cramping up from having to stare up at him. His white worn shirt with rips here and there looked like it was going to split from the muscle the flexed ever time the man moved. His dark blue jeans, were in better shape but they we still very much dirty. Then the black boots that he wear looked to be almost new. 

His arm jerked forward, making me snap my eyes back up to his covered face. I now just noticed that he had tossed my belongings on the ground between us. I quickly dove down and grabbed the gun and my phone, but as I reached for the keys, the mans black boot landed on it. I glared up at the man and he pointed to the mask still in my hand and held his palm out. 

Grunting out I quickly toss him the mask, and his foots lifts off of the keys. By the time I grab the keys and get back up, the man had his sack clenched in his hand while the mask laid on his face. I took a couple steps away from the man and seen if the gun was still loaded, it wasn't. "You have your mask, now tell me who you are!" I demanded again, sounding a little more serious now. 

I whipped my pocket knife and held it out, showing him I meant business. He cocked his head to the side, and I could have swore that now both of his icy blue eyes rolled. With swift movements he too pulled out a weapon. A machete that put my little pocket knife to shame. "Oh, okay calm down." I said calmly as I put the pocket knife away and held up my arms. 

He didn't put his machete away but instead he started to slowly walk towards me. With every step he took, I took a step back until I came in contact with the car behind me. 'How typical.' I thought to myself, if I didn't feel like my life was on the line, I may have rolled my eyes. 

The sharp blade of the machete was jabbed forward, pressing into the skin of my neck, leaving a small stream of blood where the skin had be opened a tad. My head snapped back, allowing my neck to be even more exposed to him, but I couldn't help it. I wanted to get away from the blade that was being pushed into my neck just right underneath my chin. 

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