Chapter Twenty-One

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"I'm there for EVERYONE. But when the tables are turned and I need a shoulder to cry on, there's no one there for me."

Did I care for Jason? Surely I can't care for a killer. I know I am trying to save his life and be a good person, but would he return the favor? Would he go out of his way to try and protect me? Of course not, because he doesn't care for me.

I grew hurt with the constant thinking on this matter, just another pain in my heart. I can never count on anyone but myself. Sighing as I turn my gaze from Jason to the kitchen window, hoping the view would calm me down.

"I don't care." I surprised myself by saying it in such a monotone voice. I guess I was tired of being hurt, it's best to push people away. "Hmm." I heard him mumbled as the chair he was sitting on screeching. From the corner of my eye, I noticed him standing up.

"Since you apparently don't care, I suspect you to stay away from the camp. Next time I see you, I wont hesitate to kill you." His voice comes out hateful as he glares at me. I wasn't excepting him to be so angry with my answer. I wouldn't think that a killer would actually want someone to care for them but I guess everyone wants someone to care for them. 

I was wanting to call for him to stop, and maybe apologize but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I just watched as he walked away.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~   

Two Days. I have two days, just two fucking days left to blow up the house with Jason in it. I spent all that one month hiding in my house and going to work. Henry made it clear everyday with how much time I had left. He was on my case and made sure to threaten me with my parents every single fucking day. 

I haven't seen Jason since that day I told him I didn't care for him. I fought with myself everyday to go up to him and make things right. I wanted to be the killers friend, what is wrong with me. I couldn't choose between being his friend or killing him but things have to be done. I am going to have to kill him, and it will have to be today. 

brrrring brrrring brrrring. I  answer my phone after the third ring. "Hello?" I asked in a shaky voice, my nerves were getting to the best of me. "Hello Katherine. You are running out of time, it better be done before tomorrow." Henry warned me as he soon hangs up. I shove the phone in my back pocket and close my basket, which I packed with food. 

"I can do this." I chanted to myself in a shaky voice. Not only was I doubting myself but I was doubting this plan as well. What makes Henry think that this will actually kill Jason? This man as lived to be 72 years old, but has a body of a 25 year old! Nothing makes sense. I was kind of hoping that this doesn't kill him. 

Grabbing the basket and heading out of my house, I make sure that I had a lighter stuffed in my front pocket before leaving for good. I had a plan of how this was going to go. I was hoping that Jason wouldn't kill me at first sight, but give me one last chance to have a talk with him. 

I was going to tell him I plan on leaving and wanted to say a proper good bye, I wanted to maybe make him food, so that way I could use his kitchen. I saw he had a gas stove and surprisingly a propane tank in the kitchen. Not really a smart thing to have together. 

Taking a deep breath, I begin to walk through the woods. It didn't take long at all before I am slammed against a tree, the basket in my hand drops to the ground as the breath gets knocked out of me. Jason stood before me looking very furious as he raised his machete.

"Jason wait!" I shout desperately as I managed to duck as a blow from his machete. It imbeds itself into the bark just right where my neck would have been if I didn't move. "Jason please! I have something to say." I plead as I tired to move out of his reach. 

Before I can get far enough away from him, he grabs me by the neck and slams me back against the tree. My feet kick in the air as he lifts me up, repeatingly slamming me into the tree. I dig my nails into his hand and yank on them. 

"Please Jason!" I gasp out. My eyes burn and water from the pressure on my neck. I take this last chance I probably have to stare back in the icy eyes that stare back at me. I don't notice the angry, blood lusting killer, but instead I see a scared little boy that is afraid of being alone. A little boy who just wanted a friend. 

In that split second I had a change of heart. I was willing to sacrifice myself by dealing with my parents just so this man can finally have a friend. As my hands become weak, they drop of his hands, my legs stop kicking and I use the last of my breath to mutter a couple of words that I hope will change everything.

"I do... care. . . for you!" I gasp out as dots form in my eyes. His grip on my neck soften, and my feet hit the floor. I gasp for air as I cough uncontrollably, Jason's hand still on my neck. What felt like minutes of wheezing and coughing, I look up at Jason who stares down at me with an expression I can't read.

"And I need your help."   


A/n - The last part of this story I spilt into two chapters, so the next chapter will be the end of the book! Thanks for reading and voting everyone.

Deathly Love (Jason Voorhees)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon