Chapter Six

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"I'm not sure if I'm depressed. I mean, I'm not sad, but I'm not exactly happy either. I can laugh and joke and smile during the day, but sometimes when I'm alone at night I forget how to feel."

I was first going to stop at my apartment, grab something to eat and change my clothes into something more comfortable. As I walked over to my shared car, I was greeted by the one and only Ethan, who was my partner. Ethan is one of the better cops here, he doesn't behold himself higher then the others.

"What's crackalackin?" Ethan asked once I approach the car. "Your nose if you use that phrase again." I declared but soon after I laughed, causing Ethan to laugh as well, he knew not to take me serious. "So what do you have planned for today now that our shift is over!" He yelled excitedly as he opened the passenger door and plopped down on the seat. 

"Uh, just staying at home." I mumbled as I took my seat on the drivers side. He gave me a look and crossed his arms. "You're lying." He stated making me sigh out. "I definitely know you don't got no date. You repel men away." He stated with a chuckle, causing me to roll my eyes. "Wow, if only I could repel you away." I mumbled loud enough for him to hear me. "I am your partner, I am stuck with you." He stated with a cheeky grin.

I ignored him and started the car. As I was driving down the main side roads of town, Ethan decided to speak up. "I heard you got booted off the case." He said looking over at me. "Great does everyone know?" I snapped growing angry with my job and all the idiots there. "Kade was going around telling people, saying that you are not ready for a dangerous case." Ethan explained, causing me to grow even more angry. My knuckles turning white from the pressure of holding the steering wheel.

"What are you going to do about it?" Ethan asked, he knew me to well. He knew I wasn't going to just stand by and let people drag my name through the mud. "I am going back to the camp tonight." I stated, earning a sigh from him. "Why?" He simply asked. "Because I want to prove to everyone that there is no make believe killer out there, that it is just the so call survivor that are actually the ones killing people." I declared as I pulled to a stop right in front of Ethan's house.

"Why don't you believe in Jason Voorhees?" He asked, saying the name that sends chills down my spine. "I don't think people should be dragging his name through the mud either. He was a child that drowned at the lake so many years ago, people need to let him rest in peace." I mumbled growing sad at the thought. 

"You know if Jason some how managed to come back and is the one killing people, he would be 72 years old!" I stated looking over at Ethan. "Do you really think someone that old can be going around and killing all these young people and being able to survive through it?" I asked, I watched as realization ran through Ethan's eyes as he nodded. "Maybe you are right." He stated making me smirk. 

I watched him get out of the car and walk over to the drivers side. "What ever you do tonight. Just make sure you are safe. Bring a weapon, you don't know what lives at the camp at night." He stated before waving goodbye and walking into his house.

~~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~

I quickly ate and changed out of my uniform. Right now I was heading back to the camp in the quad car. With the closer I got to the camp, I grew even more nervous. I didn't know what was out there, hell I could even be wrong and Jason Voorhees could be out there wondering around ready to yack limbs off. 

Pulling to a stop at the old camp ground where old cabins laid, slowly falling apart. I get out of the car, my palms sweating and shaking lightly due to my fear getting to me. I quickly pulled my gun out from the back of my pants and checked to make sure that I had loaded it completely, before putting it back and pulling my shirt over it. 

Cicada and crickets could be heard, making a smoothing and calming feeling overwhelm me. "I can do this." I declared, ready to give myself a pep talk if I had too. I walked away from the car and into the woods. My plan was to stay here all night, if I survive and see no evidence of Jason, then it is clear that it was all a myth and if Jason was real, then I am probably going to die. 

An hour had passed and I was somewhere in these woods. I was leaned against a tree, yawning none stop. "This was a stupid idea." I mumbled to myself, falling down on my butt. I should have known not to come out here until I had some sleep. My eyes were getting harder to keep open, and every blink was getting slower.

My heavy eye lids closed and with struggled I managed to open. Nothing but trees, plants and rocks as far as the eye can see, then blackness as my eyes close once again. This time though, when I open it for a split second I notice a dark figure walking through the trees towards me. I didn't have the strength to stay awake and when my eyes closed again, it was the last time.


A/n - I just want to let you all know, that the way I make Jason out to be, will be a little different. So when he appears in the next chapter! You will know why. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, until next time!

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