Chapter Eleven

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"I know how it feels.
To look in the mirror and scream.
To cry when nobody's watching.
To make silly excuse that will explain why you're not eating.
To tell them you're are fine, when nothing could be worse.
To look at someone, wishing you were like them...
But I know, that what you think about yourself, is wrong."

A whole month had passed since I lost my partner, Ethan. We already had his funeral, which I couldn't bring myself to attention. It's not that I didn't want to, it was because everyone thinks that I had killed him. No one wanted to see my face in public at the moment. I lost my job over it, they all accused me of killing him as well. They didn't have prof that it was actually me that had murder him, so what better way then to just fire me. 

No one wanted to hire a rumored killer around town, so I was losing my apartment. I had already packed all my belongings and was ready to move away from the town and hopefully start my life all over again for the second time. There was just one thing I had to do before I leave for good, I wanted to confront that man and give him a piece of my mind. I planned on killing him for Ethan. It was the least I could do.

That man ruined my life in one swift movement. I worked hard to get where I am now, I went through abuse, hardship and morons to make it this far only for it to be taking away from me. The only bad part though, was I had no weapons. My gun was taken, along with my taser. I don't even know where to find that pocket knife. I guess I could find a nice size branch and repeatedly bash him with it.

I wasn't going to wait till midnight to confront him. I'll wake him up from his beauty sleep or whatever it is he does during the day. Since my only car was taken away from me as well, I was walking down the black pavement road with the blaring hot sun beating down on me. The limited amount of clothes I was wearing right now, wasn't helping me with the heat.

 The limited amount of clothes I was wearing right now, wasn't helping me with the heat

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Finally arriving at the old dirty sign that appears to have blood on it. I arrived at the camp, hopefully for the last time. I had no idea where to head to first and I figured if I just aimlessly wonder through the woods, the man will probably find me. So with that idea in my head, I begun walking in a random direction.

About 30 minutes later, unsurprisingly I was in the middle of no where. The thing though, the man didn't find me, I found him and his home. I would have missed it if I didnt take a break to rest for a minute. Deep in the woods, a old mossy cabin with large logs could be hidden from the eye. "Whoa." I mumbled in amazement. This was in it's own way, beautiful.

And the devil himself was actually chopping wood, with his shirt off

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And the devil himself was actually chopping wood, with his shirt off. If I didn't have a burning hatred for this man, I might have spared a few minutes to enjoy the veiw. With red clouding my vision, I looked around for a branch, and found one that was pretty good size that could do some damage but wasn't to heavy for me to lift.

As I went to glare at the man again, he was gone. I dropped the branch to my side and looked around in confusion. I wasn't looking that long for a weapon, where the hell could he have gone? 

"What are you doing here?" His voice snaps behind me but unlike the last time, I didn't scream out but I did jump a bit. I whipped around and held my branch out ready to protect myself at all means. He looked down at the branch and rolled his eyes before letting out deep sigh. 

"Who are you?" I asked glaring up at him and poking his chest with the tip of the branch. He swatted it away and walked around me, causing me freeze in shock. His machete was attached to his hip and he didn't even pull it out. "Why does it matter?" He asked as he walked away. snapping out of my frozen state, I followed behind him with my branch hanging at my side.

"Because I would like to know the name of the person I am about to beat the shit out of with the branch?" I stated unsure. The man stopped, causing me stop right before I could walk right into him. He glanced over his shoulder at me and chuckled. "You know who I am." He stated, turning around to look down at me. 

"I wouldn't be asking if I did know!" I snapped growing angry, only causing him to roll his eyes once more. It is starting to annoy me when he does that! He step forward while I stayed my ground and grabbed the branch which I was still holding tight too and yank it forward. I was jerked forward and slammed into his chest. Since when did he put a shirt on?

"I am Jason Voorhees."

A/n - Sorry for not updating in quite a while. I was busy with my sister wedding, camping and meeting a new guy! :) but I'm back!

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