Chapter Nineteen

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"I used to fear depression. Now I look in the mirror and want to smash it into pieces. I put on fake smiles, I have no confidence, no one likes me and I hate this place. Now I know why I feared this place."

"Isn't that right, Katherine Blake?" The same sentence kept running through my mind, haunting me. A name I thought I would never have to hear again. My mouth was open slightly as I tried to think. Henry knew the real me, which means he knew about the sorry excuse of parents I had.

"Who the hell is Katherine Blake?" Kade snapped switching his gaze between the two of us. What a stupid boy, isn't it obvious. Henry must of been thinking the same thing because he rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Bianca Thornton's real name is Katherine Blake. She changed her name along with her appearance when she moved across the state." Henry explained to Kade, I was still shocked. No one was suppose to find out, I didn't think this far.

Kade's eyes grew two size bigger as he looked in my direction. "Why would she do that? Does she have a couple felonies under her belt? Or maybe she is an illegal immigrant?!" Kade accused as he stood up from his seat.

"Yeah please do tell us Katherine. From what I heard and read about Katherine Blake, I would have the right mind to send you back." Henry suggested with an evil smirk, enjoying the uncomfortablness and fear I was in.

"They were abusive!" I shouted out hysterically. I will never ever go back to them! I'm a grown women, surely I would have a say in this. For a spilt second Henry's eyes soften before they return back to his cold hard gaze. "That's not what I heard." Henry declared. I was kind of regretting not taking a seat, my legs were starting to grow weak.

"Apparently Katherine Blake is mentally disturbed." Henry declared with a chuckle, causing me to gasp. "That is ridiculous!" I shouted but Henry soon cut my off with a 'be quite'. I was going to retaliation but he continued to talk. 

"Little miss Katherine would hurt herself, in an act to grab everyone's attention. You went on accusing your parents of the buries and cuts that were on your body. They are worried about you Katherine, even sent out a missing report. Willing to give a good amount of money to whoever finds you." Henry stated, a sick smile never leaving his face.

Everything that comes out of his mouth was like a stab in the back. I can't believe that they are trying to pull the innocent card. As if they weren't the ones that actually caused me physical and mental pain. But why in the hell would they try and get me back and with what money? I knew for a fact that they had no money, they spent it on drugs and gambled with the rest. 

"They are going to send you to an insane asylum, to help you Katherine." Henry stated in a smug tone. He reached down in his lowest drawl and pulled out a folded paper. Sliding it towards me, he tells me to open it. 

I slowly unfolded the paper and dropped it on the desk. He wasn't kidding. My parents actually made a missing report on me. It was a photo of me before I did all the changes. "Do as I say and I wont call your parents. Blow up his shack with him in it and we wont have to worry about this at all, you can live your life how you want." Henry stated as he pointed to the picture.

"So what do you say Katherine?" Henry asked with a smirk as he picks up his office phone and starts to slowly dial the number that was on the paper. Freaking out and without thinking, I reached forward and yanked the phone out of his hand before slamming it back down so the call wasn't made. 

"I'll do it!" I whispered as I retracted my shaky hand and finally sat back down in my chair, totally forgetting about Kade who was quiet this whole time. "Good." Henry chuckled as he leaned back in his seat.

"I knew you would come around Katherine." Henry stated making me groan out loudly. "Please continue to call me Bianca Thornton." I said as I glanced at the paper that was still facing me. "As you wish." Henry stated with is victory smile that I wanted no more to smack off his face.

"But I got to know, why would you help with the killings?" I asked, finally wanting to know the real truth behind this madness. "This town as become a hot tour spot because of the infamous Jason Voorhees. More people means more business for us. But now it has taken a wrong turn and we need to end it." Henry explained. 

"You have one month to blow up the shack, if you fail I'm sure you know what would happen." Henry warned me.

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