Chapter Nine

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"Never trust a person that has let you down more then two times. Once was a warning, twice was a lesson and anything more than that is simply taking advantage."

"Are you going to kill me now?" My voice came out strong, and that surprised me. Here I am, backed up against my car with a guy in a mask holding the blade of his machete to my neck. I should be shaking in my shoes, but instead I was calmly staring back at the hard glare that was on me. 

"If you think I am going to beg for mercy, don't. I'm to the point in my life where I am ready to die." I declared, not breaking eye contact with him. He tilt his head to the side and his eyes racked over my body, before looking right back at my brown eyes. A deep rumble came from his throat that sent shivers down my spine, he had just sighed.

"Leave." His deep voice came out as he slowly dropped his machete down to his side. "W-what?" I asked, mentally kicking myself for now just starting with the stuttering. Why was he letting me go.

"Leave!" He said louder, "and don't return." He said quieter this time and with that I quickly unlocked my door and hopped in the car, but not without looking back a couple of times. I peeled out of camp and back on the road, heading home. So many question were running through my mind.

Was that man the killer? Was he Jason Voorhees? Why didn't he kill me? Was it because I didn't care if I died or not, or was it because he wouldn't have fun ending my life? Just so many question were running through my mind. 

~*~*~Time Skip~*~*~

After going back home from the camp, I tried to take another nap but with all the thoughts running through my mind, I wasnt able to even get one minute of solitude.

So only a nap to get me through the day, I was sitting in the conference room with the other cops, even the night shifters. Everyone was here, which could only mean one thing. The mask was found missing and I was screwed!

"Attention!" The sheriff snaps, causing the room to grow quiet. I felt sick to my stomach and I couldn't help to think that my last day would be today. The sheriff didn't say anything right away, his eyes scanned the room before stopping on me. My blood ran cold and I felt as if a bucket of icy water was dumped on me.

"As everyone knows, the nights are low on people, so I decided to assign one of our partners to them until they have enough people." The sheriff stated, making me literally sigh out in relief but no one noticed.

Groans where heard, no one wanted to give up their days and lack of sleep to switch to nights. I would give anything to go to nights! I actually preferred nights, but I was assigned to days unwillingly.

"Now before you all start volunteering for it, I already picked the pair." The sheriff declared sarcastically as he glared around at everyone who groaned once more. He paused once more and gave a wicked smile at the poor pair, Ethan and I. I was thrilled though.

"Ethan and Bianca, the two of you will start nights tomorrow. Go home your done for the day." He stated as both Ethan and I got up and left the room, a big smile on my face. Most of the illegal scandals happen at night.

"This fucking sucks, what am I suppose to tell my girl?" Ethan asked angrily as we walked out to the car. "Don't know Ethan, it is only temporarily." I reasoned but he was still upset. Dropping him off I drive back to my house and tried to fix my sleep schedule.

~*~*~ Time Skip ~*~*~

The day passed and my partner and I was just sitting in the break room. "They weren't kidding, we are the only one's here. Everyone else is doing their patrols around town." Ethan stated and he leaned back and threw his feet on the table.

They wanted the two of us stay at the station just in case someone called and it was an emergency. It's two hours after midnight and nothing has happened. "This might actually not be bad!" Ethan said as he munched on his bag of chips, making me roll my eyes.

"I was hoping for more excite-" I began but got cut off by the station phone ringing. Ethan and I looked at each other and got up. As we walked out of the room, one of the dispatches comes running down the hallway.

"We just got a call from a girl who is staying at Camp Crystal Lake!" She yells out, clearly out of breath. Already knowing what it could possibly be about, Ethan runs for the entrance. "Let's go Bianca!" He yells, causing me to run after him.

'Shit.' I thought, looks like I will be going back to the camp sooner then I would like. I just knew I would see that mysterious guy, and I figured he would be behind the killings, but could I goes as far as calling him Jason Voorhees?

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