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•Ariel's POV•

I've always had a small crush on Jacob. But I never thought he would like me. So when he asked me out I was so happy! I said yes and called up Maddy ASAP! Even though she probably already knew considering they're with each other all the time!

"Maddy Jacob asked me out!" I practically screamed into the phone.

"Wait he did I knew he liked you but I didn't know..." She said it sounded like she was kind of upset. Probably a bad day...

"I SAID YES" I was bouncing off the walls.

"Cool gtg now" she responded.

•Maddy's POV•

I'm happy for Ariel but at the same time upset. I knew she made him so happy and i didn't want to be the one who tears everything apart. So I guess I would just have to live with it. I call up Dylan and tell him everything he's pretty much the only one who knows i like Jacob. I can trust him. I mean I can trust Jacob also, but you know I can't exactly say I like you to him...

•Dylan's POV•

Maddy called me practically crying. I knew she really like Jake. When Jacob started dating her best friend she was heartbroken. I told her everything's going to be all right and we can fix this. He's meant for her, they've been best friends forever.

****the next day****

•Maddy's POV•

I decided to get up because I was suppose to go to Jakes in an hour to hang out. So I got up and showered, put on enough makeup to cover my blemishes but not look cakey some mascara and eyeliner, the usual to go Hang out with Jake. I put on some high waisted torn shorts and my mermaids don't do homework pocket Tee from brandy. I throw on my "Whitesider" beanie and some black converse. I ask Chris my older brother to take me to jakes house because I didn't really feel like walking its a street away from our house. So he says sure and we drive over and on the way, he asks me so you like jake huh? He's a good kid. I immediately respond WHAT NO I DONT! He said Maddy I'm not stupid, I know you like him it's okay you can trust me. Chris Is so understanding I tell him about Ariel. He makes me feel better until I get to jakes. Jake says wait Maddy we need to go to the mall and stops Chris before he leaves. Wait Chris can u drive us my parents aren't home. Sure Chris responds being his usual sweet self. Shotgun I yell as I run back to the car from Jacobs front step. So why are we going to the mall jake? I ask as soon as we're in the car.

"I have a date with Ariel tomorrow." He excitedly tells me and Chris shoots me a "it's going to be all right look" Jacobs says that because I'm a girl and I'm Maddy he trusts me to make him look good. Okay no problem I say. We arrive at the mall and Chris says that if I need anything call him referring to being upset cuz of jake. Ill be fine I respond. We do out shopping and than we go back home. Chris picks us up and drives us back. Jake says that I need to sleepover tonight to help him get ready in the morning, but funny enough Ariel asks me the same thing I tell her I already made plans to hang at jakes and she says it's fine not suspecting that ill be helping him in the morning. So I go home and pack my stuff and go sleepover at jakes. I know what your thinking a sleepover at a boys house! But our parents trust us and they know we aren't like that. So I go back over to jakes and he sings to me. I told him that I really loved his singing and he said he'll record some stuff for me. I take a shower and I sing not realizing that jake could hear me. When I got out he said "nice voice" shit. Now what.


A/N hah I like leaving cliffhangers hope you guys liked it! Please like vote and comment!

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