The plane

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•Jacobs POV•

I can see how Maddy is really insecure so whenever I see that she is feeling a little uneasy I drop whatever I'm doing and sing you're perfect you're perfect you make me nervous your worth it your worth it you give me purpose. and that always seems to calm her down. it's just the little things you do for girls. she gave me the obey hoodie back and I was confused but she told me to wear it and then give it back to her because my sent rubbed off of it and that's why she likes it so much. She feels like she's in my arms whenever she wears it. Damn she's so cute. so I am wearing it and I have her a different hoodie for the mean time. today I'm just wearing sweat pants a baggy t-shirt and of course my obey hoodie to get my sent on it for maddy. We were on the plane and Maddy was cuddled into me wearing my other hoodie when the announcers said do not freak but we may have a crash landing. Maddy gets panic attacks so of course that's what happened. She had a panic attack but thank gosh I was there because I know how to get her back to feeling okay. I sang to her. I don't care what the other people think I care about maddy. I held her and just sang to her giving her water and everything until it was okay. she was in my arms the whole time. she was back to feeling okay when we hit major turbulence. We landed okay everything was fine. we just landed at an airport that was nearby and we had to switch planes. When we got to our destination for magcon, there was another limo with the same little sign. Maddy laughed kissed me and said, well I could get used to Madison whitesides and giggled. I responded with I don't mind either I could get use to it. One of Maddy's bags got lost during the whole crash switch planes thing. The bag that they lost was just pajamas so I gladly gave her some of my stuff. I gave her boxers and a t shirt. The T shirt was like a dress on her and the boxers acted as shorts on her. She wore them like shorts with her underwear on underneath. It was so cute to see how big my stuff was on her. At least we are okay. We cuddled into the new hotel bed and she fell asleep into my arms. Right before she kissed me and said "thank you for calming me down you always know what to do" and then kissed my forehead. I played with her hair as she fell asleep into my arms.

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