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•Maddy's POV•

When I woke up I showered, and than put on Jacobs hoodie and leggings. After my shower I just threw my hair up in a messy bun and only covered my blemishes with concealer. Why so lazy today? You might ask. Well Jake,Dyl,and Kenzie are coming over today to study for finals starting tomorrow. It's our last week of school and today's Sunday. We have two finals tomorrow and than two the following day. On Wednesday we just test in pe, and on Thursday we have a huge end of year party. Friday we just clean out lockers and classrooms and all that junk otherwise known as after my locker is cleaned out I have the whole day with my friends.

•Kenzie's POV•

When I woke up I just showered and put my hair into a fishtail braid. I put on my white halter top and gray sweatpants. I put on concealer on my blemishes just to hide the acne spots because I was stressing out because finals start tomorrow. Maddy, Dyl, Jake, and I are all meeting up at Maddy's house today to study. I put on my white vans grabbed my pastel colored penny and headed out the door.

•Jakes POV•

When I woke up I showered and just threw on some black sweatpants and a white t-shirt. I styled my hair and put on my black vans. I grabbed my penny and headed out the door to Maddy's. Dyl, Kenzie, Maddy and I were all studying today because finals start tomorrow.

•Dylan's POV•

When I woke up I showered and than styled my hair. I threw on some white sweatpants with a black tee. We were studying at Maddy's today because finals start tomorrow. I grabbed my penny and headed out the door and rode over to Maddy's.

•Maddy's POV•

Everyone arrived about half an hour after I was finished getting ready. I had a blanket laid down on my floor with snacks in bowls. I also made strawberry lemonade and decorated mason jars. I put a strawberry on the edge of the cup and I also tied a pink ribbon around it. In the bowls I had pretzels dipped in chocolate with sprinkles, I had a bowl of watermelon cut up into hearts, I also baked chocolate chip cookies so I put that on a plate, and I also put pineapples,kiwis,strawberries, blueberries, and bananas onto skewers in a pattern and drizzled chocolate all over them. I took a bowl and put a styrofoam ball in it. I stuck the skewers of fruit into it. I had blankets and pillows all over the floor with the snacks in the middle and fairy lights hanging over. I had all my text books stacked up and than a wooden divider thing holding sticky notes,flash cards,pens,pencils,paper, notebooks, and next to the holder with all the essentials in it I had my ihome with my phone plugged in playing music. Kenzie came first then Jake and finally Dyl. When everyone was here we started. We had history and Science tomorrow and then math and English the following day. So for history, we started at the beginning of the book. Everyone brought there own books, so we split up the chapter we divided into couple teams it was Jake and I and than Dyl and Kenzie. Jake add wrote down the vocab for the even chapters on notecards and Dyl and Kenzie did the odd chapters. Then we took turns reading out each chapter and taking notes. We had to memorize every single quote and who it was by so we wrote them on different colors and patterned sticky notes. We turned that into a scavenger hunt where we had to find the quotes all over the house and whoever found the most quotes got to tweet from everyone else's phones and we couldn't take it down no matter what it said or say that _____ tweeted that. It was funny because we were all internet "famous" because we had fans and a lot of followers. Kenzie and I for acting and now singing for me as well, Jake and Dyl for singing. My older brother Chris helpfully hid the sticky notes all over behind pillows, on the floor, in trees, etc. they were all over the place!!! In the end Jake found the most sticky notes. So he tweeted from my account "man I love Jacob whitesides he is so beautiful and talented" then he tweeted from Dyl's account "I think Jacob is the best person in the world he is so much more talented then I am and looks a lot better than me" and finally from Kenzie's phone "guys... I'm pregnant" but we allowed her to say that she lost a challenge and Jacob tweeted that as her punishment. We did the same thing for science, except instead of the scavenger hunt, we turned it into a game where Chris numbered the vocab word on my whiteboard and one person faced with their back to the board the other facing the board and the person facing the board had to define the vocab word without saying it and the team that loses had to do a dare from the other team. Kenzie and Dylan won but they felt bad so they just said I dare you to kiss. We did the same thing for English and for math. Then everyone went home because we had finals in the morning.

Why not me?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang