Leaving for magcon

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•Maddy's POV•

As much as I dreaded leaving Dylan, today jake and I have to head to magcon. The tour starts off in Vegas, so it's definitely going to be different than Tennessee .I've never been, but I was super excited. I already had everything packed, except the last minute things. I dreaded getting up at 6am but I knew I had to. so I got up and took a shower, and when I got out I let my hair naturally dry while I put last minute things away. I put on my white baggy sweatpants, a plain fitted black tee, and Jacobs obey hoodie. When my hair dried, I through it up into a messy bun. I was finally all packed and ready to go, when Jake came in. I made us both pancakes. after that it was 9:00 and it was time for us to go. My older brother Chris drove us over to the airport. Our flight finally boarded an hour later. The plain ride was a 6 hour flight. I fell asleep onto jakes shoulder. I woke up and looked at Jake who was watching me sleep and we kissed. Jake said that we were going to be landing soon. Half an hour later, we landed. We took out all of our bags that we brought on board with us and then headed to baggage claim and did all the boring stuff. When we were outside there was a limo waiting for us with a driver in a suit with a sign that Said Mr. and Mrs. Whitesides. me and Jacob looked at each other partially in shock that there was a limo and the other part was that it said mrs. whitesides we were laughing at that. hmm.... Madison whitesides. Eh doesn't sound that bad to be honest. I kind of liked the thought of that. Madison Whitesides. We got in the limmo and it was nice. There was another girl In there. Her name was mahogany. Jacob and mahogany seemed to really know each other. I think I might have even been a little jealous with them hugging and talking and everything. Especially because she's really pretty and I'm insecure. What if he leaves me for her? what if I'm not good enough? all of those types of questions were running through my head and I was spaced out thinking of scenarios where he would leave me for her. so much for Madison Whitesides. Wait Maddy stop it he's aloud to have friends who are girls like you have dylan. I was still really insecure about everything so... yeah. We got to the hotel and it was really nice. We were staying at Mandalay Bay THE hotel room 14905. The rest of the boys were all on the same floor. We got to our room and put our stuff down and then a boy came to our door. His name was Taylor. Taylor Caniff I think he said was his last name. We talked but he had like that bad boy vibe.

•Jakes POV•

We were picked up by a limo at the airport. He held a sign that said Mr. and Mrs. Whitesides. Maddy and I laughed that it said Mrs. whitesides. But hey I didn't really mind. I would like to have Maddy as my wife. When we got into the limo, I saw one of my best friends who was a girl. I was closest with her out of everyone on magcon. Mahogany and I hugged and talked while Maddy just kind of stayed a little distant towards us. When we got into the hotel, Taylor came and was talking with Maddy. I left to go say hi to all the other boys.

•Maddy's POV•

Jake left to go say hi to the other guys and I just stayed back with Taylor. He seemed like a pretty chill guy. When Jake left, Taylor kissed me. I pulled back and saw something I would never forget. Jacob standing there. He was crying and when we made I contact he turned around and ran away. I ran after him. He locked himself into mahogany a room. I knew she was sharing a room with Aaron. I ran to Cameron. Cam was staying with Nash but I knew he had to know where Aaron was. "CAM WHERES AARON URGENT I NEED HIM NOW" I practically yelled at him. "He's in our room talking to nash." He let me into his room and I ran in. "AARON I NEED UR ROOM KEY NO QUESTIONS" "okay,okay, calm down. here" He said and handed me the room key. When I went into the room I saw Jake laying in a bed crying into one of the pillows I don't think he even notice me. I walked over and climbed into the back and just rubbed his back. I know he thought I was mahogany "jake look at me." I told him. "why?" he looked up at me and I saw his eyes swollen and puffy. "jake I didn't kiss him he kissed me and I pulled away. I didn't kiss back. The second he put his lips on mine, I pulled back because I don't wan to lose you. You mean everything to me jake. I love you I said and kissed him. I forgive you because you didnt kiss him. But I still want to hear it from Taylor to make sure that u didn't kiss him or kiss back. I love you to Madison Whitesides. he said and laughed. I left and got taylor. Tay explained everything and I thanked him for that. He told me he was sorry and that he hoped we could still be friends. I said sure but I can't lose jake. He means everything to me. I love him thank you for not lying to him and telling him the truth that u kissed me and that I didn't kiss back. Tay, that meant a lot. I was scared that u would say something like oh she kissed me. But thank you for not tearing jake and I apart. "I can see how much he means to you. I would feel horrible to put you and jake through the pain of losing him. " I'm going to go say hi and introduce myself to the other guys. thanks...." Magcon officially starts tomorrow ,we get a day of just relaxing. I'm still not 100% sure about mahogany. but considering how hurt Jacob was when he saw Tay kissing me, I think he loves me and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize our relationship. But that doesn't stop how insecure I am.

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