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•Maddy's POV•

"Thanks..." I responded.

"Why didn't you tell me you sing? Jacob asked sounding kind of Hurt.

"I don't know it's just like its a small hobby of mine" I say.

"Will you sing for me so I don't need to listen through the wall?"he jokingly asked me.

"I guess you already heard there's nothing to lose now" I respond.

"What do you mean nothing to lose?"he asked. Crap he wasn't supposed to hear that last part.

"I've always thought that I'm not good enough at singing and I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of you." I say honestly.

"Maddy you can't embarrass yourself in front of me anymore you should know that considering all the embarrassing things we've done together all our lives ." He giggles while saying that. Damn his giggles adorable. STOP IT Maddy he's with Ariel.

"So are you going to sing for me?" He asks again.

"Not now we have to get you ready for your date" I say, it's not really bugging me anymore I'm heartbroken he never liked me never will so what's the point?

"Okay" is all he says, so we start he already took a shower so I do his hair and of course he has to go In and fix it because I have long hair he has short he's a boy I'm a girl. So he gets dress in the clothes we picked out yesterday and he tells me that their just going to the fair.

"Oh. Cool I was actually going to go their with Dylan today but it's okay." Dylan's my other best Friend, the three of us are all really close he already knows that I like Jake and everything about Ariel.

"You guys can still go." Jake says.

"Thank you for the offer but I don't wanna be like creeping on your date we'll be fine Dyl will understand he understands everything"

"Oh okay it's your choice I really don't care" Jakes so sweet but well be fine.

Jacob leaves to get Ariel and I also leave because it's his house...

***after the date***

•Maddy's POV•

Jake calls me seeming really upset. I wonder what went wrong with the date? He tells me that when she went to the bathroom it took her a while so he went to go find her and found her making out with someone else. He was crying. Jake calm down everything's going to be okay I said just like Dyl told me. We go back to my house and lay on my bed and he is crying and I mean sobbing. Jake it's only the first date at least it wasn't like a year into the relationship I say soothing him by rubbing his back. I could stay like this forever jakes just cuddled into my arms calming down. I start singing to him he looks up and smiles and he says you're beautiful. Did he just call me beautiful? I love your voice he says I could fall asleep to it. I can record stuff for you in your studio because I don't have one. You're so sweet. He says.

"Thank you for making me feel Better you always know what to say. Can u stay over tonight?" He asked me.

"Yeah ill get my stuff ready." I say.

"Do you have any Tylenol my head hurts?"he asked me probably from crying so much.

"Not sure go ask chris."

Jake goes to go ask Chris and a few minuets later I hear Chris yell

"Maddy I'm going to the store with jake to go get Tylenol!" He says.

"Okay ill stay I have to get ready I'm spending the night at jakes" I yell back.

•Chris' POV•

I drive Jake to the store to buy him Tylenol he must not be feeling good and we ran out. Out of no where jake asks me something.

"Do you know if Maddy likes me?" Jake says. Well yes she does but I can't tell him that.

"Not sure why?" I respond so I don't blow Maddy's cover.

"Well, swear you won't tell anyone?" He nervously asked me

"Swear" I say laughing at this.

"Okay I kind of like Maddy. Please don't tell her I don't know what to say I'm scared." He says

"Jake... Just tell her she's going to be cool with it no matter what. I'm sure she likes you back you're a great kid but she hasn't told me anything. Ask her out."

"We'll Here is the thing, proms coming up and..."

"ASK HER TO PROM" I yell interrupting jake.

"That's what I was going to say I want to do before you interrupted me" jake started laughing after he said that.

"Just don't tell Maddy I want it to be a surprise. And when should I ask her? I need some time in case she shuts me down." Jake says

"She wouldn't shut you down she's your best friend. If anything shed go with you just as friends. Take it as this. You're going to prom with Madison" I say calming him down.

"How should I ask her out? When you ask people out to prom there's always cute little things" he asked me kind of worried.

"I know what to do write her a short like jingle kind of thing. She melts when she hears your voice. I shouldn't tell you this but she falls asleep listening to you sing." I say. He should know that even of Maddy's hates me for it.

"I know I recorded that for her." He says laughing.

"Oh" I say as we both crack up.

•Jacob's POV•

So I wrote her a little jingle song thing with Chris and I said Ill ask her tonight. At my house.

"YAY!" He Practically screamed!

"Oh and let's get her roses I know her favorite" Chris says.

"I think I know her favorite also. The white ones with the pink at the top?" I asked Chris.

"You know her so well it's adorable. You two make the perfect couple" Chris says.

"We'll I hope so. But she has to say yes first!" I say.

***at jakes house***

•Jacobs POV•

I have my guitar ready and the roses in place where she wouldn't expect anything. She finally gets here and I made sure I look perfect. So she comes into my room and the second she enters I'm holding my guitar like I was just practicing a different song. She sits on the floor in front of me and tells me to play her something. Okay I say and I sing her my little asking her out to prom jingle thing and than pull out the roses and hold them. YES ILL GO TO PROM WOTH YOU YOU DOOFUS. she says while messing up my hair and. I give her the roses. Maddy I really like you. I always have and I didn't think you liked me so I tried to date Ariel and she broke my heart. I always liked you but I kind of liked Ariel but not that much I always loved you but I never thought you would ever like me." I tell her.

"I've always liked you too." She tells me.

"I'm glad to have you as my girlfriend." I tell her

" and I'm happy to have you as my boyfriend." She tells me. I kiss her.

"We'll I should start making my bed she says pulling out some blankets."she says.

"You can sleep In my bed with me... If you want." I say it's not like our parents would care they trust us. They know we wouldn't do anything.

"Okay." Maddy says and climbs into my bed and I asked her to sing to me and she said only if you sing to me. She responds. So she sings to me and than I sing to her I kissed her forehead and we cuddled and fell asleep like that. Wow what A perfect night. I know Chris knew that Maddy liked me but didn't want to blow it for her. I should've known


a/n did u like it? Like vote and add it to your library! So sweet ending no cliffhanger BUT proms coming up...and who knows what will happen!

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