Chapter One

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I do not own Heroes Of Olympus or Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Rick Riordan does. So, if I don't own the books I don't own the characters.

Percy's POV

So, today is the day, the day of the tattoo. The tattoo that holds my love life's fate, to say I was nervous was an understatement. I slipped out of my bed and looked down at my right wrist. There it was, it showed a pile of books, on top of the books sat an owl. In the owl's beak was some blueprints, the whole tattoo was gray. The tattoos color was supposed to represent your soulmates eye color.

I now knew that my soulmate liked owls, books and building or architecture. She supposedly had gray eyes.

Annabeth's POV

Today is tattoo day, the love tattoo, I was scared. What if it was stupid? What is it was disgusting? What if it was scary? What will happen? Will I meet him soon? Will I ever meet him? I decided to look down at my wrist. As soon as I saw the tattoo I gasped. I felt relieved, it wasn't stupid, disgusting, or scary.

There was a restless ocean, waves splashing against everything. The sea was wild, in the ocean,  there was a swimming figure. Flying over the swimming figure was a pegasus. The whole tattoo was sea green. So the special someone has sea green eyes.

From how the tattoo looked like I gathered this much: he was probably an excellent swimmer, maybe loves the ocean, liked pegasi and has sea green eyes.

Jason's POV

When I woke up I was excited, I was getting my tattoo. I am nervous, to say the least, my sister Thalia never got hers. I hope I get mine, I look down at my wrist. What I saw was interesting.

There was a bowl of vegetables and that stuff. Above the salad, there was a dove with a few feathers in its beak. The whole tattoo changed colors, from green to blue to brown. That was the shocking part.

What does this mean? I think the bowl of vegetables means that she is a vegetarian. The dove, maybe she likes doves and feathers. The shifting colors of the tattoo, her eyes have to be like that then, that is a fact.

Pipers POV

So, today is tattoo day, honestly, I don't know what to expect. It won't be that bad, right? I let my wrist go higher and higher into the air until it met my eyes. It was amazing.

There was a dark sky with lightning flashing over it. In the sky an eagle flew, dropping out of the eagle's beak was a....... stapler? The tattoo was the color of lightning, though the stapler was weird. With the stapler, things just went from amazing to weird real fast.

This tattoo had to mean something. Does he like lightning? Does he like eagles? What does he do with staples? Did he try to eat one or what? All I knew for certain was that his eye color was the color of lightning.

Hazels POV

When I woke up the first thing I did was look at my wrist. I was excited, I had waited forever, I couldn't wait any longer. When I finally saw it, I wish I hadn't. It was horrifying...... just kidding!

It was amazing. There were a bunch of animals, a bunch of cute, beautiful animals. The tattoo was brown, the others may have revived more detailed ones, but I am happy with mine. It seems like that my soulmate likes animals and has brown eyes.

Frank's PoV

Ok, so today is the day, the day of the tattoo, the decider of love. When I woke up I raised my wrist to my eye level. What did I see?

I see a canvas with a paintbrush that had been dipped in paint. On the painting I saw a horse, the whole tattoo was the color of gold.

I think of what it may mean. Well, she seems to like painting, and horses or drawing horses. Her eyes are also golden. That's good, they'll be hard to miss or forget. Maybe I can find her soon, I hope so.

Leo's PoV

Today. Tattoo. Yay. Once I woke up I looked down at my wrist. The tattoo was the opposite of how I am.

The tattoo had a cooking pot and a gardening pot. In the gardening pot, there was a plant. The plant was beautiful, it just was, in some way. The tattoo was a soft brown color.

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