Chapter Fifteen

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I do not own PJO or HoO, therefore I do not own the characters, Rick Riordan does.

AU Annabeth's POV

"Ok, now that we've done nicknames, shall we do quotes?" SU Piper asked.

A grin grew on AU Percy's face, and on many others.

"Yeah, this'll be fun," AU Travis said, having heard some weird things come out of certain Demi-godly mouths firsthand.

"Ok, so first we have 'A man who turns down power? That's not very roman of you,' any of you guys wanna guess?" SU Piper said.

I thought about it, it was obviously a roman, though I hav never heard Jason say that, at least of what recalled. Maybe it-

My thoughts were cut of when a voice cut through the silence that occupied the room.

"Reyna," AU Jason said.

"Good job, that was indeed Reyna, now for the next quote. 'I will never see this Manhattan of yours. Or anywhere else. I am alone here,'" SU Piper read.

"Calypso," I said before the others had the chance to utter a word.

"That is correct. 'With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later,'" SU Piper said.

The room was silent for a few seconds before AU Will spoke up.

"Nico," he answered.

"Correct. 'If I'm going to burn it might as well be bright,'" SU Piper exclaimed.

"Frank," AU Hazel said. "That was easy."

" Yes. 'You drool when you sleep,'" SU Piper said.

"Annabeth," AU Percy answered with a smirk.

"Yeah. 'I told you, no more Underworldly stuff, doctors orders,'" SU Piper read from a slip.

"Will," AU Nico answered.

"Guys, it was nice to be here, but I have to head home," I said as I stood up.

"It was fun that you came, I hope that we're all closer now, it was really fun," SU Piper said.

"You bet," I said and walked out of the room.

I walked down the stairs, I walked over to the door, put on my jacket and shoes. Then I opened the door and walked to the house that we, the demigods, had rented for our time staying in this world. Then an amazing idea struck my brain, what if I could possibly bring Magnus and his friends here? We did have extra rooms, somehow. I new that I couldn't do that yet, though. I had to talk to the others before opening the portal to our universe, then I had to ask him if he wanted to come. I decided to check what's the time was, just so I knew when to cook dinner, since it was my turn today. It had been Katie's yesterday and it had been a very tasty vegetarian dish. I saw that the clack was 5:38, so I decided to grab the cook book and look through recipes to find something to cook. As I skimmed over the pages one by one, I found something I wanted to cook. I walked over to see if I had all the ingredients necessary or the dish.

Time Skip

By the time the others had arrived at the house I had finished cooking and was setting up the table. When I was finished we all ate. The conversations around the dinner table were hilarious. They all ranged from embarrassing each other with childhood memories, debating favorite weapons and more, you could say we were like a messed up family. Then I decided to speak the idea that had been plaguing my mind since I got back from SU Pipers house.

"Okay everyone, I had the idea of seeing if Magnus and his friends could somehow join us in this universe, I mean we do have some extra rooms," I said.

The thing was that only AU Percy knew about Magnus, since he helped him prepare for his sailing quest to prevent or at leas set back Ragnarok for a long time.

"I think that's an excellent idea," AU Percy said.

"Who's Magnus?" AU Frank asked.

"He's my cousin," I answered.

"Mortal or nah?" AU Leo asked.

"Not a Mortal," I answered.

"Demigod or not?" AU Will asked.

"He is a demigod," I answered.

"Greek or Roman?" AU Reyna asked, hoping to met another Roman Demigod.

"Neither," I answered with a smirk, this was going to confuse them.

"What do you mean neither? Is there another pantheon of gods?" AU Rachel asked.

"Yes, there is," I answered bluntly.

"Which pantheon?" AU Nico asked.

"Norse," I once again answered.

"Wait a second. Norse? As in Vikings?" AU Leo asked.

"Yeah Leo, like Vikings," I responded.

"Who's his godly parent?" AU Katie asked.

"Frey," I responded.

"Who is the god of what now?" AU Travis asked.

"Frey is the Norse god of peace, fertility, rain, summer and sunshine," I answered.

"And his friends?" AU Will asked.

"Well, since we have three extra room I was thinking Samirah al-Abbas and Alex Fierro," I suggested.

"Ok, cool," AU Leo said.

"Yeah, it'll be fun," AU Piper said.

The others responded with responses similar to Leo and Pipers. The together the demigods took care of the dirty plates and silverware, putting them in the dishwasher, and heading their separate ways.

Time Skip
*Annabeths Dream*

A 14 year old girl sat on her bed in her room. She had golden, curly hair in a ponytail. Her stormy gray eyes analyzed her own hands, as if wanting to find something strange, something that was wrong with them, with her. She wondered why her mother left, was there some reason or did she just do it.
'Was I not good enough' the girl thought. The very thought of her mother leaving because of her echoed through her mind. She felt her eyes watering up, and shook her head. No, she would not cry, she was stronger than that, crying was for the weak. But yet she felt a tear roll down her cheek, only to be followed by more. After a few seconds the girl was silently sobbing, not wanting to gain the attention of her father, not because he would scold her for crying, but because she didn't want someone comforting her, telling her, what she thought of as, warm, sweet lies, when the truth was cold, sour and bitter.

Sup, I updated again! I know, it's shocking. I'm just suffering from writers block, so if you have any ideas, please tell me somehow, comment or message. I just want to thank you all so much for reading, I mean I can't believe I've reached 1.5k reads, or at least around that number, give or take. I also APOLLO-gize for the repetitive use of the word Answered.


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