Chapter Sixteen

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I haven't read The Ship Of The Dead in a while, so just imagine Percy and Annabeth met Magnus, Alex, Samirah, but they only know of Magnus' godly parent, just for the sake of the story.

I do not own PJO or HoO, therefore I do not own the characters, Rick Riordan does.

SU Percy's PoV

Today after school, Jason and I, headed over to his house because we wanted to, and the DNA tests had come. We walked to where Jason lived, and made our way towards the mailbox. Jason opened it and pulled out or kit of 'Genetic Jeans'. The first time I showed Jason the name of the box, he had snorted at the name, but who wouldn't. We walked into Jason's home, and then to his room. When we were seated on Jason's bed and Jason opened the box. Inside the box there was a single —.

"Uh, doesn't this feel a little suspicious? First the name and now this?" Jason asked.

"Well, I have some friends who tried this, and I assure you it is safe," Percy said.

"Which friends?" Jason asked.

"Grover, Juniper, Tyson, and The Stollls," Percy answered.

"I suck at technology and I know you do too, so. LEO!!!" Jason yelled.

There was a silence as Percy and Jason waited for an answer.

"Let's go check his room," Jason said. He just wanted to be sure that Leo was fine, with everything that had been happening lately, he'd grown a little cautious.

"Sure," Percy said, feeling Jason's worry.

They walked out of Jason's room and down the hallway until they reached Leo's room. There was a note on the door. Jason read it out loud.

"Sup, Just so you, whoever is reading this, know I'm at the auto mechanic place, with Calypso," Jason read and let out a sight of relief.

"Looks like where on this, with out our Mr. Mechanic," I said.

"Yeah, or we could just wait til Leo comes back," Jason said, thinking about all the times they'd failed at technology.

"We're not that bad at technology," Percy exclaimed.

"Like you totally didn't accidentally blow up a computer mouse by touching it," Jason said sarcastically.

"Woah, Mr. I-have-a-weird-scar-from-a-squirrel-attack, was that sarcasm?" Percy asked.

"Yes it was and don't call me that," Jason answered.

"Okay then," Percy said.

They spent time talking and doing other things until Leo came back. Jason rushed up to him, Percy hot on his heels.

"Leo, we need your help," Jason quickly stated.

"Show the way," Leo said, smirking.

Jason and Percy dashed to Jason's room, Leo following them. When Leo entered the room Jason showed him the USB.

"Ah, so you did a genetics test, just give me the USB, and this'll be up in no time!" Leo said with flair.

He walked up to Jason's computer, why Jason had one, no one knew. He inserted the USB in the USB port and turned on the computer. The he beckoned Jason to type in his password, when Jason had done that, Leo started the program. Leo brought up the 'DNA Connections' tab and read it all.

"Well, would you look at that, it seems like the two of you are cousins," Leo said.

"What? How?" Jason asked, being the first to react.

"Easy, your dads we're brothers," Leo said.

"So that's why we didn't know," Jason said.

AU Annabeth PoV

I stood at the falafel place that Magnus had agreed to meet me at. This morning the portal had opened at my wish and I had contacted Magnus, now I was here waiting for my cousin.

My head jerked up when I heard someone call my name. I saw a sixteen year old boy with somewhat long blonde hair, pale tone and gray eyes. He wore a green shirt with a golden print, along with a pair of jeans. He wore a necklace of some sort around his neck.

Someone stood beside him, they had short black hair, dyed green. Their eyes were two different colors, one dark brown and the other pale amber. They had a light skin tone. They wore a sly grin on her face. They wore a pink and green argyle sweater-vest over their white shirt. Along with a pair of green jeans and a pink sweater tied around their waist.

There was a girl standing beside the two, she seemed to be only a little older the pair. She wore a green hijab with a green t-shirt and blue jeans. She had a huge ax strapped to her back.
Her eyes were the same color as redwood bark and her skin tone was one of a Arab-American.

I waved at them and ran up to them.

"Hi, I'm so glad you could come. You sure you want to do this?" I greeted.

"Yup, definitely sure. Jumping into a different dimension, so sure," Magnus said.

"Well then, let's get going," I said.

I turned around to see a colorful portal, radiating power, right in front of me.

"Just do what I do," I told them, and jumped into the portal.

I felt the rush and chilly wind of the portal as I had once before. When I exited the portal, I waited for them. Alex came first, landing on their butt. Then came Samirah, landing on her feet. The last person to come out of the portal was Magnus, landing on his feet.

I bent down beside his and whispered to him, " What gender is Alex today? Might be good to know,"

"Female," he responded.

I got back up on my feet, walking over to Samirah. I waited for the other two to join us. We made our way back to the house.

We walked up the lawn, onto the stone path. I opened the double doors, consisting of dark wood. Then I showed them to their rooms, all of them in a row. First Alex, then Samirah, lastly Magnus. All of them magically changed to fit the demigods personality or liking.

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