Chapter Twenty-One

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I do not own PJO or HOO, therefore I do not own the characters, Rick Riordan does.

Annabeths PoV

I lay on my bed since I had just woken up. I thought about the school dance and how it was coming up next week and how Percy had asked me out. A blush creeped its way up my cheeks at the thought. I sat up and swung my legged over the bed. My feet touched the cold floor and I involuntary shivered. I stood up and walked to my wardrobe. I grabbed a dark blue shirt along with a pair of jeans. I walked closer to my bed for no reason and put on my clothes. Then my phone vibrated, signaling that I had received a message. I looked at my phone and saw that it was from Piper. Apparently she was sick and couldn't make it school.

I walked down to the kitchen and saw Magnus, Alex, and Samirah eating breakfast. I took a two pieces of bread and put them in the toaster. When they were finished I put them on a plate and spread butter on them. The butter melted since my toast was warm. Then I grabbed my plate and sat down beside Magnus. We ate in silence and before I knew it I was finished with my breakfast.


I sat at my desk and listened to out history teacher. I saw several of my classmates not even bother I gotta to pay attention, which bothered me. Sure, this isn't knowledge your going to use everyday, but still good to know. I saw that, for once, Rachel was paying attention. I smiled a little and continued to listen. 

Then when class was over I prepared for my next class and so the day went.


At lunch I sat at a table with my friends.

"Sad that Piper couldn't make it to school," Rachel said.

"You know what? We can visit her after school, tell her to get better," Katie said.

"That's a good idea, I think Piper would like that," I said.

"It's now our lives turn into a tv-show, we find that Pipers missing or something," Rachel joked and we laughed.

"As if that would happen Rachel," Hazel said.

"That why it's a joke," Rachel said.


After school we, Hazel, Calypso, Rachel, Reyna, Katie and I, went to Pipers house.

I knocked on the door, but no one answered. I knew Piper was home alone so I decided to look at her window, to see if she was sleeping or something. What I saw terrified me. Her room was completely messy, I mean like stuff was thrown around, but what scared me the most was the little blood on the floor.

"L-l-look, there's blood," I said.

Rachel kicked down the door and I inserted the code that kept the alarm from going.

"Rachel, that was unnecessary," Hazel said.

"Did you have a better idea?" Rachel asked.

Hazel kept quiet.

Rachel then pulled out a blue hairbrush out of her backpack.

"Why do you have one of those and why does it look like you're going toy use it as a weapon?" I asked.

"I have one because why not, and it looks like I'm going to use it as a weapon 'cause I am gonna use it as a weapon," Rachel said.

"Why?" Calypso said.

"Why not?" Rachel said.

We ran up to Pipers room and saw how it looked like she'd been knocked out. A brick lay on the ground, some blood did too. It was terrifying.

"Oh my-" Katie said and fainted.

Calypso was able to catch her before she hit the ground.

"What should we do?" Hazel said.

"I don't know, contact the police?" Rachel suggested.

Then some type of monster emerged out of the shadows. It looked like some type of vampire with one wooden leg and one donkey leg.

"What are you?" Calypso said.

"You can call me Anna," she said with a evil smile.

I looked around to see if anyone of us was able to escape. Everyone was here except Rachel, I hope she got away, maybe she can get help.

"What happened to Piper?" I asked.

"What's about to happen to you," she said.

I gulped in fear.

"Where is Piper?" Calypso said.

"You'll know soon," she said.

"No we won't," Rachel said behind the monster.

Before Anna had time to turn around Rachel hit her on the head with the blue hairbrush. The monster turned into golden dust that got on Rachel.

"How?" I asked.

"The other Rachel gave it to me, in case such a thing as this happens, it has some celestial gold in it," Rachel said, smirking.

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