2 ~ Draco Malfoy

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When the train pulled into Hogsmead Station, Emma was the first off. The four people she had journeyed with had started to annoy her. Especially that Pansy girl, her laugh was more like a cackle, and it wasn't nice to hear.

Emma's trunk was taken by a conductor and he said it would be taken to her room. Then she followed the group of first years -- lead by a giant of a man -- to a dock on the large lake. The man who was probably four times the size of Emma told them to get into a boat. It was just her luck that Pansy, Draco, and the two bodyguards whose names were Crabbe and Goyle, got into the boat with her.

When the boats docked at the other end of the lake, Emma got out and joined the crowd of first years racing up the hill to the castle.

Once inside the school, they went up a long stone staircase and were stopped by an older lady wearing a green robe and a pointy hat.

The lady introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. She spoke of the four houses and the ways you could gain or lose points. Then she left the first years for a few minutes.

In those few minutes, Draco Malfoy introduced himself to Harry Potter, insulted a red-haired boy with the surname Weasley, got rejected by Harry Potter, and was embarrassed in front of the whole first year.

McGonagall lead the first years into the Great Hall. One by one -- in alphabetical order -- the students sat on a stool with a hat on their heads and were sorted into a house. Draco Malfoy walked up to the stool on his turn and the hat hadn't even grazed the hair on his head when it called out, "Slytherin!"

When Pansy was placed in Slytherin also, Emma knew she would not be joining them. Harry Potter was called up and for a few seconds, nothing happened. Then Emma could tell that Harry was mumbling something under his breath. Emma couldn't tell what it was, but she'd bet her wand he was praying for him not to be in Slytherin.

The hat finally called out "Gryffindor!" And the Gryffindor table erupted in cheers. Two red-haired boys were chanting, "We got Potter!"

When the cheering died down, McGonagall continued the sorting ceremony.

When Professor McGonagall finally called out "Emma Quinn," the whole school quieted down like it had for Harry Potter. Emma couldn't see why she was so special, but she walked up to the stool nervously.

Once the hat was placed on her head, Emma heard a voice speaking in her ear, "Ah, a bright mind, rather brave too, and loyal, a hint of cunningness.... I see you have qualities of all four houses. Your mother was a Hufflepuff, but that's not the right house for you. You want to prove yourself...."

Emma began chanting the same thing Harry Potter had probably been chanting, "Not Slytherin."

"Ah, not Slytherin? Are you sure? No?" Emma kept mumbling the words. "Let's see then, you are very intelligent, but you're also very brave. Yet, your bravery will put you at many risks, risks you'll have no choice but to take." The hat's words scared Emma a little bit: risks she would have no choice but to take? That didn't sound good.

The sorting hat finally decided what house to put Emma in, "GRYFFINDOR!"

McGonagall took the hat off Emma's head and she bounced down the stairs with a smile on her face. She had avoided being put into Slytherin, that was the main goal.

The Gryffindor table cheered when she sat down, everyone near her patted her back and congratulated her. Emma smiled as she was cheered on.

On the other side of the hall, Malfoy frowned. Now it would be harder for him to figure out the mystery of her life. He was desperate, he needed to know what was up with her.

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