28 ~ The Underworld

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They were in Los Angeles. Emma sighed with relief. They still had enough time to get to the Underworld and demand the return of Zeus's Master Bolt. Emma didn't know how they were going to get to New York on time, but she decided not to ask. The four wandered around the streets for what seemed like forever. They just couldn't find the entrance to the Underworld. Emma was about to give up when Annabeth found it. A building, that is, which served a double purpose. The four entered and went up to the front desk. Emma read the name tag of the person behind the desk. It said Charon.

"Charon?" Emma spoke, then blushed when she realized she'd spoken out loud.

"Yes, that's me, it's nice to see someone who knows my name. I can't tell you how many times I've been compared to that centaur Chiron." Charon said.

"Oh, well we want to go to the Underworld, please," Emma said.

"Ah, I like you, not only do you know my name, you tell me straight out you want to go. There's no hustle or dragging, perfect," Charon said.

"Yeah, so can you take us there?" Percy asked.

"Of course, how did you die?" Charon asked.

"We drowned," Percy said, "in the bathtub."

Charon studied the four campers, "All four of you?"

"It was a big bathtub."

"Do you have payment?" Charon asked. Emma pulled out the small pouch of golden drachmas from her bag.

"Yes," she said.


"Can we go now?"


"Why not?"

"You're alive."


"And what?"

"Your point?"

"I don't take living demigods to the Underworld."

"We'll pay extra."

"Sure you will."

"I bet you'd like a new Italian suit."

"I would."

"Money can buy that."

"It can."

"Are you going to take us?"

"... Fine."

Emma smiled and gave him a handful of golden drachmas. They got on the elevator with the rest of the dead. Charon made an announcement to the dead in the building then got on the elevator with them. The doors closed and the elevator started moving.

As the elevator moved, it turned into a boat. Emma glanced at Charon and saw that he was no longer a man dressed in an Italian suit, but clothed in a dark robe, his face sunken in. Emma looked away, it was a rather disgusting sight. When the boat stopped, the passengers got off and the four campers tried to blend in with the crowd. The dead started moving around, forming into lines. Suddenly, Emma saw a giant three-headed dog much like Fluffy. Only, this dog wasn't Fluffy, it was Cerberus, Hades's guard dog.

"Annabeth," Emma whispered, "what do we do about Cerberus?"

Annabeth glanced at the dog and then reached into her book bag. She brought out a small red ball she'd gotten from Waterland. It seemed like so long ago that they'd been there. Annabeth moved through the crowd and up to the giant dog. Annabeth coaxed the dog into playing fetch with her. She threw the ball and Cerberus caught it in one of its three mouths. Annabeth made Cerberus drop the ball and she threw it again. This time all three heads snapped at the ball.

After a little while longer, Annabeth promised Cerberus she'd be back and then followed Emma, Percy, and Grover through the gates.

Things didn't go very well. They wandered through the fields of Asphodel for just a little bit, then Grover was almost sucked down into Tartarus by Luke's flying shoes. After that they finally made it to Hades's place, and faced the Lord of the Dead himself. Hades accused Percy of stealing his Helm of Darkness, and swore he didn't steal Zeus's Master Bolt. Hades then told Percy to open his bag, and when he did, the Bolt was right on top. Hades was grinning, he wanted Zeus's Bolt to make a trade. Percy gave each of the four a blue pearl he'd gotten from a naraiad. Then they crushed the pearls at their feet.

For a moment, nothing happened. Then a bubble formed around each of them and Emma felt herself floating skyward. The bubbles raced through the solid earth and popped when they reached the ocean surface.

A boat came and picked them up, and Percy had to will himself to get wet. Grover took Percy's shoes to hide his goat hooves, and soon they were standing on the beach.

"Well, I see you survived,"

Emma saw Ares standing before them. Percy glared at the war god.

"You tricked us!" He said.


"You were trying to give the Bolt to Hades!" Percy said.

"I was."

"Why?" Emma asked.

"Entertainment," Ares grinned.

"Are you trying to start a war?" Emma asked.

"I guess you could say that."

"You have Hades's helm, don't you?" Emma asked. Ares picked up the Helm from his motorcycle and flaunted it.

Percy and Ares spoke some more, but Emma didn't hear them. She was watching the people who were shaken up by the earthquake that had taken place. When the four had escaped, Hades had definitely been angry.

"I'll make you a deal," Percy said.

"What kind of deal?" Ares asked.

"We fight, you and me. If I win, I get the Helm and the Bolt and you have to let us go. If you win, I'll be dead obviously, and you can have the Bolt." Percy said.

"Sounds like a good deal," Ares said.

"Swear on the River Styx that you agree to the terms and will not go against the rules," Percy said.

"I swear on the River Styx," Ares said.

They launched into battle.

Emma watched them fight. Neither person seemed to have the upper hand. Percy made a strike, Ares counter-attacked. It went on like that for a while. Cop cars started pulling up and police were shouting at Percy and Ares to drop their weapons. Percy looked as if he was worn out. Ares looked smug. Then Percy launched into the air as a six-foot wave hit Ares in the face. He brought his sword down on Ares's heel and Ares roared.

Percy had won.

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