90 ~ Summer Vacation

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A/N okay, so this chapter has a lot of French accents, since I'm writing for Ellie, Josephine, and Brilee. So all the 'th's at the beginning or middle of words are changed to 'z's. All the 'i's at the beginning of words are changed to 'ee' and the word 'the' is 'zee'. (I'm truly sorry if I write the accents wrong, I don't know any French people so I'm just using what I know from the books.)

Thanks, carry on.

Emma spent the first week of summer alone in her room in the Quinn Manor, crying and cursing herself. She'd gotten an Iris-Message from Will that they'd found Carly dead at the entrance to Camp. No one knew what had happened. Except for Emma. And Emma blamed herself. She should never had told her sister to come to Camp, as it had probably been on her journey that she'd been attacked.

Emma attended Carly's funeral in Michigan, where her mother lived.  The rest of the Apollo Cabin was there as well, and some of Carly's friends from Camp and school had come. Emma tried not to cry, but it was hard not to. She and her living sisters stayed together throughout the entire funeral, hugging and crying softly. Carly should not have died. And it was Emma's fault she had.

Luke had been right. Emma was the reason her friends died. She was dangerous. And one day she would blow up like a bomb and kill everyone she loved. The only thing she could do was distance herself from the people she cared about. And that would be very hard for Emma to do. But she had to do it.

It was a closed-casket event, probably because no one wanted to see Carly's dead body. Only the campers, Carly's mum, and Emma's mum knew what had happened. The rest of Carly's friends thought she'd been killed by a gang. They would have been shocked if they saw what had really happened to Carly, and there didn't need to be any more emotion than there already was.

After the funeral, when Carly's lifeless body had been lowered into the earth, Emma turned to her mum, who had come with her, and embraced the woman tightly. Beatrice hugged Emma back, and Emma cried into her mother's shoulder. They apperated back to Quinn Manor, and that's when the darkness started.

Emma didn't laugh or smile for days. She spent the majority of the time staring into space, hating herself. And when she and her family went to France, her mood increased only slightly.

Venus had been right, France was wonderful. It was beautiful, artsy, even magical. But it was hard to enjoy it when Emma felt as if she didn't deserve to be there. Why was she being rewarded for letting her sister die? Emma knew in the back of her mind that this wasn't a reward, that they'd planned this vacation before Carly had died.... But that's not what it felt like.

Josephine and Brilee tried desperately to get Emma to come out of her despair, but Emma wouldn't comply. She was wallowing in self-hatred, and she didn't know when the feeling would go away.

The Quinns were standing underneath the Eiffel Tower, and Emma was gazing up at it with a sense of wonder. It was very beautiful, even Emma could appreciate that. She wanted to fly Mocha the Pegasus up to the very tippy top and look out over the whole of Paris. She wanted to be away from the hustle and bustle and crowded streets. She wanted peace and quiet to enjoy the tower.

"Eet's pretty, eesn't eet?" Josephine asked with her slight French accent.

"It's alright," said Emma none too truthfully.

"Oh, come on. You zink eet's magneeficent, I can see eet een your eyes."

"Fine, whatever, it's great." Emma rolled her eyes, making Josephine giggle.

"Come, Emma, you 'ave been miserable for days. You need to lighten up a bit."

"Kind of hard not to be meeserable when a friend dies...."

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