Twenty Seven

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Louis nervously paced back and forth as he gazed up at Zayn and Niall's building

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Louis nervously paced back and forth as he gazed up at Zayn and Niall's building. He had been standing there for about ten minutes as he anxiously chewed off all of his nails. And then he began to pace.

He probably looked like a mad man as he gnawed at his bottom lip. It almost annoyed him that now he usually had cravings that fixated with his mouth since he had gotten into cigarettes. Fortunately, he was trying to quit that addiction due to the fact that he was getting a bit tired of his clothes reeking of nicotine.

Either way. He needed to face his fears and go into the apartment building because it wasn't like he had all the time in the world. Today was the day that Harry was being released and he had to be there to pick him up.

Even if he couldn't drive. At least the man wouldn't have to walk home alone.

"Fuck." He groaned as he bit his lip so hard that it bled. Once he taste the metallic fluid, he stopped because that was typically where he drew the line. "I look so crazy."

He smiled at a passerby on the sidewalk, noticing how the woman politely reciprocated but gawked as he continued to walk back and forth. And that was his cue to go inside the fucking building.

He made his way towards the buzzer machine, his finger instinctively going towards the button for this 'friend's' apartment. He pressed, hearing the buzzing noise until a voice croaked through the speaker.

"Hello?" They called, his voice sounding similarly to Niall's. And Louis knew this. Since the man was his best friend and all.

"Niall... it's me. Louis." He replied nervously, hearing a buzzing noise which startled him. He jumped at the door handle, opening it with ease while his hand vibrated against the handle. He was now in the building.

He carefully made his way up the cracked tiled stairs that lead towards the first level of apartments and the elevators. Usually, Louis would take the elevator so he chose to do it today as well. He pressed the button, waiting patiently for the shaft.

Once the elevator had finally arrived at his level, his attention went from his shoes to the opening doors which revealed the blonde haired man himself. He dashed towards the blue eyed man, wrapping his arms around his neck in a hug that was meant to speak for all the time they had missed together.

Louis could feel the emotion in his hold around him, making his eyes water because he didn't expect Niall to be so forgiving. Yet here he was, holding onto him as if he had just came back from war. Technically he did but more on the wizardly plain.

"I was wondering when you would come." Niall muttered in his ear, a hint of both joking and angst. The words made him feel horrible but they were probably true.

"It's just been so hard, Ni."

"I know, I know." The blonde muttered in a dismissive way because he didn't want to ruin the mood. He was finally speaking to his friend and he had so much to say. "Lou, I just wanted to tell you that I am so sorry for not inviting you to the wedding." He apologized, not knowing when the right moment was to bring it up.

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