Chapter 23

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Halloween was fun, glad to know Richie was by no means, unmotivated for the prize. He was excited and and insanely energetic, matching my own mood. The others seemed to be as excited as us, but not quite. Although, Bill did seem pretty happy when he saw and peanut butter candy being dropped in his pillow case.
We stayed out for hours, until we couldn't find a house still giving out candy. We got back to my house 10:30, plopping down on the couch and proceeding to tell my mom all about our adventure.
Eventually though, everyone had to go. Leaving me thoroughly disappointed.
But Richie, of course, was the last to go. Making sure he got plenty of gentle kisses and proceeding to talk about how they were better the candy they got.
That earned him a right foul glare and a flick in the head for being annoying. But I enjoy the little teases and compliments. And Richie knows that. I just will never ever say it out loud. I would shove a rusty fork down my throat, and that, isn't really saying anything but anyone would get the point.
School the next day was the same as any day. Richie being annoying for attention. Class. Richie being annoying for attention during class. Lunch. Richie being annoying for attention during lunch. More class. But still. I loved giving him attention. It was nice to know someone appreciated my company that much, to just keep coming back for it.
When we got home Bev and I pretty much just listened to queen and talked about random shit. Being normal teenage 80's chicks.
Of course, Richie came around the next day after school.

A/N: sorry sorry sorry!!! Thought I'd start with a v v v short filler chapter before I start updating for real again. If I decide to start really updating again.

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