[3] Rescue Operation

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Third person’s POV

Jennie was shocked.

She doesn't know what to feel.

Should she be happy? Or be embarrassed of this wedding?

She was snapped back to reality when Jisoo dragged her in the corner out of the crowd


“Yah, Jendeukie. Someone will get you out of here. Go to the back door, she's probably waiting for you now," Jisoo whispered to her.

“Huh?” she's confused of what was her cousin was talking about.

“Just do what I said. I'm here to help you. We're gonna get you out of this mess.” Jisoo briefly explained.

“Waah!” Jennie is so happy and threw herself to Jisoo.

“Thank you unnie!”

“You're always welcome my lovely cousin. Go now. I'll cover you up don't worry,” she said while getting out from the younger’s embrace.

“You're the best, unnie!”

Jisoo smiled then patted the brunette’s shoulder, signalling her to go.

And so, Jennie went to the church’s back door.

There she saw a tall woman wearing shades. She assumed that she must be the one Jisoo is talking about.

Jennie took out her Vail to eye at the girl from head to toe and she can't help but judge her.

The person is incredibly tall for a girl. She has a body of a runway model too. But then, she looked at her face and it made her furrow her brows. Even though the girl is wearing sunglasses she can clearly see her features, except for her eyes.

She can see the girl’s blemishes. Her acnes on her cheeks and most specially her super thick eyebrows.

Jennie is a makeup artist and a fashion designer. That's why she can't help but to pick at the girl's looks.

Lisa noticed the bride, she was shocked because of what she saw. It's her first time seeing the bride's face since her Vail isn't blocking her face anymore.

‘A goddess,’ she thought.

And so, she walked to where the bride is standing.

“Runaway with me.” Lisa said, acting like a prince charming or some kind of a Romeo in a romantic movie.

But the bride just scoffed.

“Eeww. Not until you pluck your eyebrows,” Jennie said while rolling her eyes.

Lisa can't believe what she heard.

It was unbelievable.

“Excuse me?”

“I said, don't you have tweezers to pluck your brows? Goodness, they're as thick as my encyclopedia book.”

Lisa was stunned once again because of the girl's words.

After embarrassing herself earlier that's what she'll get as a thank you?

She thought of flirting the bride because she looks pretty but she shoved that thought away. She wouldn't dare to hit and to flirt on anyone with that kind of personality.

She lost it.

“Okay. That’s it. I'm having none of these shit. I'm done. Go back there and continue your pathetic wedding.”

Lisa furiously turned around and ready to leave her but Jennie tugged the hem of her shirt.

“Let's go. I promise I won't make fun of your eyebrows. Just.. Just don't leave me here,” Jennie said while looking down at the floor.

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