[34] X

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Jennie's POV

What the fuck?! Am i really seeing what I'm seeing??!?!

They really had the audacity to kiss outside as if they're the only people in the world. I walked closer and closer to make sure I'm seeing who i think who it is kissing a girl outside a convenience store.

As the distance got shorter, they are still unaware of my presence.

Hello? There's people who can watch your live porn show right now. I can't believe she's a person who does this kind of public display of affection.

And finally they stopped kissing and saw her face clearly. It really is her. Should i go to her?

"Yah!" I yell at them. I still couldn't see the other girl's face since her back is facing me.

She was shocked as if she saw a ghost when she realized i saw watching them earlier.

"Jennie...?" Jisoo unnie says when she's finally out of her trance.

I was supposed to nag at her because of the scene earlier when the girl she's kissing turned around.


What the fuck is happening?

My head is empty right now. I couldn't think of any possible reason why she's here kissing Jisoo.


The girl seems confused and squinted her eyes, seems to be scanning my face, trying to remember me.

"Oh! You're the girl at the party!" She exclaimed.

"Excuse me, but what the hell is happening here?" I finally voiced out. Jisoo took a step forward to face me.

"I should be the one asking that, Jen. So you know Rosé?" She asks.

Yeah the fuck i do! She's Lisa's ex, the one who's on my mind for the past couple of days.

"I met her in the party in Thailand, babe. Remember Lisa's mom invited me to perform," the girl said.

"Wait... I'm still not getting my answers. What the hell is going on here?"

Jisoo looked a little anxious because people seems to recognize the singer now.
"Let's go to my unit first," she said then grabbed Rosé to lead the way while i follow them like a lost puppy.

Questions started to pour in my head. Why is she kissing Jisoo? I thought that monkey and her still had a thing? I thought unnie is single? When did this start? As i was drowning in my own thought, we already arrived at Jisoo's condo unit.

"Care to explain?" I started as soon as we're in the living room not wasting any second.

I sat on the sofa with my arms crossed. Rosé sat beside me quietly and Jisoo sat across us on the single sofa.

"What?" My cousin is now acting dumb.

"What was that about? I thought you were single and shit?"

Rosé jolted up and faced Jisoo with a frown.
"Wait... don't tell me you're cheating on me? This girl doesn't know you're taken?" She questions her. This situation is a mess.

Unnie looks like she's about to pee seeing her lover get mad. I would love to laugh at her expression right now, but i couldn't bring myself into.

So they're together? What is happening here?

"What the hell? Of course i would never cheat on you! Jennie is my cousin for fuck's sake!" She bursted.

"Watch your language!" Rosé said and Jisoo's face immediately turned pale hearing her yell at her.

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