[32] Decision

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Third Person's POV

Lisa had the perfect family when she was younger. She grew up in a loving household, having her biological father as her bestfriend, she's the happienst kid alive.

Until her father died because of a disease.

As a 9 year-old girl, the world already made her taste how it's like to lose someone you love. She coped up from losing him not because she was still young, but because she had her mother beside her. Although she misses him, young Lisa was still glad to have her mother.

8th grade came. Everything is still normal. She's happy with school life and her circle of friends. Living peacefully with her mom as her living diary. She tells her everything that happens everyday.

Until one night, her mom broke down the news to her that she's  gonna be married again.

Lisa was hurt. Thinking she's not the only one in her mom's life anymore. Thinking the new man will replace her dad. She can't take it in, but she doesn't have any choice as it was her mother's decision.

Soon she realizes, her deep connection and relationship with her mother is long gone after her new found family is formed. Her mother no longer asks how her day went, as she's busy with the household and being a wife to her new husband.

That's the greatest heartbreak she had.

She tried to get her mother's attention by doing stunts in school. Vandalism. Punching BamBam in school. Skipping classes. Putting alcohol in a juice box.

But all she got is a scolding from her step dad.

She hated it.

Lisa tries to calm her heart as she wait for her flight. South Korea is her second home. She's never nervous to go there as she isn't unfamiliar with the surrounding and she can speak the local languange.

But why does her heart beats so fast?

Is it because the  goons  of Jennie's dad might see her and kidnap her ?

Or because of the fact that she'll see the runaway bride again?

Her flight went smoothly and landed safely.  She booked a room in one of their hotels, fortunate enough that her ban is now lifted and all her cards are now working.

She stares out on the balcony of her vip suite. The cold refreshing air brushed against her skin.


She remembers the memories with the said girl. She sighs. Feeling a little down, she grabbed her coat and decided to go to her favorite coffee shop downtown.

She walked her way towards the famous café mindlessly, until she recognized a certain figure ahead.


She plans to meet Jennie through Jisoo but it seems there's no need to do it now.

She walked faster and faster to catch the girl. Seeing how small the back of the girl's figure is, and how the girl's hair flow smoothly, Lisa is sure that is Jennie Kim.

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