[31] Reason

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Third Person's POV

Lisa is still in shock. Trying to comprehend what happened, questions begin to pop up her head. She decided to stay in the vacation house for days, isolated from this whole wedding thing. Sometimes she'll drink liqour to shove away these unecessary feelings. Until after three days, her phone rang. Not looking at the caller id, she lazily picks it up.

"Hello?" She greets.

"Yah! Lisa," the familiar voice of her bestfriend Jisoo.

"Yes, unnie?"

"What happened to you? Where are you?" She asks.

"I'm still here in Koh Samui, why'd you ask?" Lisa answers.

"Apparently, Jennie's wedding with Hanbin had been cancelled," she reported the news to the sulking girl.

Lisa heaved a long sigh of relief that has been bottled up for days. This is the first good news she received after weeks. Until Jisoo continues.

"But from what i heard from Jennie, it seems like her father is setting her up with another person," she says. Lisa's few seconds of relief was immediately changed into worries.

"What will happen now? What did she say?" Her worries grew bigger for Jennie.

"I'm still not sure, but it seems like something's troubling her. I tried to make her speak up, but she's really hard. Did something happen while she's there?"

As if a trigger, Lisa's mind flashed what happened in the roof garden back then. Jennie's soft lips on hers. How their lips was so in sync, and how her heart beats madly for her. It was like a dream.

Did she not like the kiss that's why she was really upset after? 

Lisa grew anxious as she tried to recall what went wrong on that night.

Waking up from her long trance she answers Jisoo, "I... I honestly don't know, chu."

A sigh was heard from the other line.
"Okay. You did well, Lisa. I can't thank you enough for what you did for my cousin," the older showed her gratitude towards Lisa.

"It's nothing. Glad to help you both," with that, she hung up the phone and decided to come back home to Bangkok and leave the memories she had with Jennie here.

After an hour of flight, Lisa is exhausted. She made her way towards the double door of their massive mansion. Her mother, who's baking some cupcakes in the kitchen, was informed by her maids that her beloved daughter is home. She greets her with a warm embrace.

"Honey, i missed you," she says along with a hug.

"Missed you too, mom," she replies warmly.
Upon pulling from the hug, the mother scanned the surroundings noticing a certain petite woman is not beside her.

"Where's Jennie?" She asks out of curiosity.

Lisa was taken aback by the question, not knowing what to respond.

"I- we... we broke up," she lies. Although the relationship isn't real in the first place, that sentence gave a little pinch in her heart.

Her mother was shocked by the news, feeling sorry for her daughter, she hugged her again while caressing her back.

"I'm sorry to hear that," she says. Thinking of a way to console her, she tries to push her to meeting someone else. "If you'd like to i can set you up with a pretty girl-"

"No, mom. Don't push it," she replies in monotone.

"Just try to go on a date with-" she cuts her mom again, feeling raged instead of being consoled.

"Really, mom? I just broke up with Jennie, and now you're setting me up with some daughter of your business friend."

"I'm just trying to find the one for you..." the mother is feeling kinda sad with her daughter's reaction. "It's just that, you're never the same ever since you broke up with Chaeyoung..." she says.

Lisa hissed, not believing what she heard. As if those words ignited a small fire within her.

"Chaeng is not the reason why I'm like this. It's because ever since you married that man, i became less of a priority for you. I tried to catch your attention by doing stunts in school, but you don't care at all. I tried to like him but he's too controlling. It's even okay for you when he forces me to marry someone i don't know just because I'm useless to his business."Lisa's sudden outburst shocked the woman. She wasn't aware of her feelings until now.

As a mother, those words Lisa blurted out were like draggers stabbed in her heart. She felt so bad and couldn't find words to explain her side.

"I did all of those for you. I'm sorry if you feel like that, but believe me it was for your sake..."

"Stop it, mom. Those are not for my sake. It was for your relief. To make you feel like you're doing a proper job as a mother," Lisa says without an ounce of emotion. These feelings have been pent up for too long and now popped off like a bottle of wine.

"Lisa!" They turned their heads around seeing the man in a suit frowning. Her father was listening to their conversation this whole time. "Do not disrespect your mother like that!"

Lisa scoffed. Her relationship with the man has worsen over the years. "I'm not disrespecting mom. I'm simply stating what i feel."

"If you don't want us to meddle with your life, then you better straighten it. How can we trust you when you're going around sleeping with girls? You've always been a headache-" the father was cut off midway becaus of Lisa's mother.

"Stop it, hon. I'll talk to her," she calmly says while patting his shoulder, but before she could open her mouth, Lisa stormed out of the room.

Feeling emotionally and physically exhausted, she went up to her room to rest. She booked the earliest flight to South Korea and try to get some inspiration to live.

Jennie's gummy smile flashed in her mind and automatically brought smile on her stressed out face.

There's only one reason for me to live. If my reason to live really doesn't want to be with me anymore, then might as well do it.

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