[20] Naked Truth

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Lisa's POV

"Hey..." i felt like someone is caressing my cheeks.

I didn't  bother to open my eyes and look, instead i just hug the thing that was next to me, i was confused as to why it was hard and cold. I opened my eyes and that thing was white.

I closed my eyes again, because why the fuck not?

"Hey." Another tap on my cheek came from a hand with a rosy scent.

I grunted as a response.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP, MONKEY!" A yell coming from this little pest shook my soul up.
I sat down to further see my surroundings, and then that's when i realised that the thing that i was hugging is a toilet.

What the hell?!

I look up at her and i can see that she just woken up from sleeping. Messy hair and puffy eyes, but why the hell does she still look so attractive?

"Why am i sleeping in the bathroom, shorty? Did you do something to me?!"

She rolled her eyes as a part of her hobby.
"Ask yourself dumbass. Get off i need to use the toilet."

"Why don't you use it? My existence is not keeping you from using it," i said back.

"As if I'll take my morning shower with a pervert like you."

"Oh it's okay with me though," i uttered with a smile.

"G-get the fuck off already, monkey!" She kicked me forcefully.

"Okay okay," i tossed my hands up showing i surrender while i leave the bathroom.

Wait, why am i sleeping inside the bathroom again?

I closed my eyes trying to remember any stupid shits that i did. But last thing that came to my mind was that short smurf pulling me to the bathroom, to make me shower with my clothes on.

What the fuck just happened?

Ugh. I really shouldn't get any alcoholic drinks again. I rested and get myself ready to go home.


We came back home to our mansion and good thing my mother is busy so she didn't interrogate me as to why we weren't home.

As we're eating breakfast, which by the way the little devil cooked (i was even contemplating to eat it cause i know she wants to kill me) my mother came down to the dining area with full make up on.

"Why are you two not yet dressed?!" She said half panicking.

"Why would we be dressed?" I asked.

"For the reunion? Duh."

Wow. I didn't know my mom got an attitude. Hahaha

"Go get yourselves ready. I ordered the fits already and someone will knock on your room later after you take a bath for your make up," she demanded then left.

"Monkey," she called me with her serious face.

"What little smurf?" I looked up and saw nervous eyes.

"Do i really need to have to go with you in that party?" She looked down looking a little nervous. So cute.

"Aweee... is grumpy smurf nervous of meeting my whole clan?"

And then the next thing i know is that a flying bread is on my way.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! The hell?!" I exclaimed. That fucking bread hurt like a bitch.

She rolled her eyes for the nth time and stood up to walk out. Now what?

I let her be and continued with my meal.


Jennie's POV

That freaking monkey is getting in my nerves! I'm nervous meeting her family, alright? But that's because i don't even know them? Like she's not even my girlfriend in the first place! Like what am i supposed to tell them? That I'm a runaway bride? Argh!

I went upstairs to cool my head down. I think getting a long bubble bath will make my mind at ease. Once i got my things, i locked the bathroom door so that NO ONE can disturb me. Not even that monkey. No, specially not her.

I was enjoying my long bubble bath in the shower while singing some songs, when all of a sudden, i heard some noises from the outside. I bet it's that giant toddler. Ugh, peace no more.

I didn't bother to check it and tried to mind my own business.

But then the bathroom door burst open! and out of shock, i suddenly stood up forgetting that I'm still bare naked.

"GET OUUUUUUUT!!!!" I covered my body with the shower curtain and started throwing her random things.

"IM SORRY!! THE DOORKNOB IS BROKEN AND I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU'RE HERE!" She yelled back with her eyes closed then shut the door close again.

My blood is now boiling because of that stupid monkey. ARGHHH!! I hate her!!!

I got up, put on my robe and to give her a punch that she deserves.

"Hey monkey!!" I was supposed to yell at her again as soon as i open the door but then, that's when i realized that she's actually just wearing sports bra and shorts. I can see her toned abs and some sweats dripping. Fuck? My cheeks are heating up i don't even know why.

And also, she has a tattoo? Well, that's new. She has tattoo of roses on her lower right of her stomach. It really fits well with her well-formed abs.


The fuck am i thinking???

I shook my head to take off my thoughts. Ugh. I hate my mind these days.

"Im sorry, shorty. I didn't mean to peak at your body. I know you think of me as a pervert, but i really don't mean it," she said out of nowhere.

I looked up at her and i can see that her face is all red. She's just there sitting on her bed staring at the wall.

Okay maybe i overreacted a bit. The doorknob was really loose, and she said sorry so i think I'm gonna forgive her just this one time.

I was supposed to speak to forgive her until she opened her filthy mouth again.

"Unless you want me to see you naked again, i mean i don't mind seein-" She didn't have the chance to finish her sentence because i threw my flip-flops right onto her face.


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