[21] Reunion

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The two endlessly argued about random things. While in the middle of their argument and Jennie throwing the remote to Lisa, someone knocked on the door that made them stop for a moment.

"Miss Lisa, the hair and make up team are here, should i let them in?" One of the maids asked permission.

"Sure sure," and so, two professionals in beauty industry went inside their room with beauty bags in their hands.

Jennie's eyes lit up as soon as she saw them. As a fashion designer, of course the petite woman likes dressing up.

"Just start with me, the monke- i mean my girlfriend still hasn't taken her shower yet, you know she stinks right now so..." she said eyeing at the girl that reeks of sweat.

"Psh. Okay okay. Start with her. Not too fancy okay? Keep it simple, i don't want her to catch some old geezer's eyes."

"T-They're you're family, may i inform you?" Jennie blushed even though Lisa said it as if they're not meeting with her whole family.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," she deadpanned while getting her bathrobe.

And so, Jennie sat down like a true queen in front of the vanity mirror.

"Shall we start, madame?" The make up artist said and she responded with a smile.

The artists began. They put some light makeup, as ordered by Lisa. And still, the woman looked perfect, well, at least to the blonde one. After taking her 15-minute shower (which Jennie questioned if she really took one for how fast it was) she sat on her bed and critics the makeup being done to Jennie from time to time.

"Is the makeup okay?" The artist asked, not to Jennie, which is the one they work with, but with Lisa who eats chocolates while she watch them.

"Nah. The lipstick is too red. Don't like it," she nonchalantly said.

Jennie's head popped off because of her.
"Can you not?! Do whatever you think suits me, girls. And as for you," she pointed at the younger one. "Get out. I'll let you come in once I'm done," she firmly said.


"No buts! Unless you want me to kick your butt?"

And so Lisa dragged her feet outside of her room like a lost child.

The artists laughed silently on how the two of them look so cute together, then continued working with Jennie's hair.

30 minutes has passed, Lisa is still not allowed inside of her room.

"I mean, I don't get it. Why am i not allowed in my own room?! Like duh, it's MY room, i can barge in there whenever i like, right?" she's been venting out for 30 minutes straight to her cat Leo. The cat meowed then left her in the hallway.
"You're right, Leo. I should man up and get my room back," she then continued to walk back to her room.

She kicked the door opened, making the ones inside surprised, but the younger got surprised instead.
In front of her is a young cat-eyed woman wearing this classy black one-sleeve dress. Her natural light makeup that accentuate all her best features, especially her eyes.


While Lisa was left in awe, the older one is embarrassed of how the other look at her.

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