[22] Roses and Rosé

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"I'm Lisa's ex. One and only ex," Chaeyoung said.

"Chaeng!" Yelled Lisa.

"What? It's true though," the girl then laughed like it's the funniest thing she said for years.

"Whatever," Lisa rolled her eyes for the girl's silliness. "I missed you by the way," she softly said.

The two of them had their mini reunion while hugging each other.

And Jennie is displeased at the sight.

Some questions lingered in her head but one question remained.

'Is she the reason why this monkey became delinquent? She must've love her so much, huh?'

Jennie turned back refused to watch their touching reunion as exes. She then decided to get something to drink, her throat has been dried for awhile now.

On the other hand, the two exes were so happy seeing each other since it's been decades since the two met.

"So... how's life?" Lisa started while scanning the other. Few years had passed and Chaeyoung looks more mature now.

"I'm good. I sing for a living. I'm proud of it because I didn't use any help from my parents to reach my dreams," she proudly said as her eyes glimmer remembering every struggle she had to endure just to reach her goal.

Lisa patted her head as a way of saying she's proud of her. The two talked endlessly forgetting about the cat-eyed girl who went somewhere to get some drinks.

While talking to the waiter about the cocktail she wanted, she took some glances of the two, and she couldn't help but excessively roll her eyes.

"Tsk. Who the hell treats their exes like that???" She said out of annoyance.

"Wait. Is that the most famous singer as of today?" The waiter said while her eyes are stuck at someone.

Jennie out of curiosity, looked at where the man was staring at. It was in Lisa's direction.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"That's Rosé, the most prominent singer today. Is she here to perform? Oh gosh this must be my lucky day!" He said with full of excitement.

Rosé? I thought her name is Chae-something? Rosé? Rose... Jennie thought then suddenly, the picture of Lisa's tattoo of roses flash to her mind.

"She really loves her that much, huh," she said with a bitter tone that comes with her drink.

"Oh dear! Why are you alone here? Where's your girlfriend?" Asks Lisa's mom while she roam her eyes around to find her daughter.

"She's catching up with a... uh.. friend," she said, thinking twice what she should address her girlfriend's ex.

"Well, i can't leave you out here alone, sweetheart. Let's go, come with me. Let's meet our family," the mother said grabbing Jennie's hand with a smile. Proud to have Jennie as how she say it, her 'daughter-in-law'.

Jennie on the other hand, wanted to be alone for a moment l, but she didn't have the chance to refuse.
"No, I'm actually.. ugh.. oka—" she couldn't even finish her sentence as Lisa's mother drag her to their relatives.

Few minutes have passed and Jennie is still faking her smile throughout their conversation with Lisa's aunties and uncles.

"Jennie, right?" asked one of the older ones in the circle. The girl simply nodded.
"You look familiar, honey. What's your last name again?"

That statement took Jennie by surprise. What is she supposed to say? What if they knew wjo she is? Or what if they'll search her name online and fond out the truth? At this point, Jennie is close to crying because of her anxiousness for the situation. She can't even think straight to pull off a lie.

All of them are waiting for her answer, until a long arm suddenly wrapped around her tiny shoulders. She looks up with that familiar smell, and a certain blonde is looking back at her with her comforting smile.

"Manoban," Lisa proudly said with a smirk. "Soon, her last name would be Manoban, auntie. Right, babe?" She winked at the petite girl.

Everyone in the circle laughed at Lisa's cheesy answer. But Jennie cannot hear anything at all besides her heart beating so loud.

Jennie reminded herself these are all part of the act. Nothing to nervous about. Just an act.

But her crimson cheeks couldn't deny the how Lisa's little lies affects her.

Jennie calmed her beating heart for a minute and looked up to help Lisa with their pretend. But her eyes were locked to a certain man she least expected to see tonight. She froze on her spot.

Lisa felt how the bride stiffened. She caught her staring at something or someone in the middle of the crowd. She traced where the girl is looking at and to her surprise.

It was Jennie's father.

"We need to get out now."

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