[14] Thailand

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Jennie's POV


I sighed for the nth time.

"Let's go, babe," she stood up, grabbed my hand and dragged me outside of the plane.

"Can you please be more gentle to your 'girlfriend'?" Because this giant troll is dragging me like I'm a lifeless tree trunk.

"Oh. Sorry, baby," she let go of my hand and snaked her arm around my waist which took me by surprise

Fuck. I can feel my heart racing again.

The hell is this?

"N-Not too gentle, I guess. And not too close,"

"Will you stop complaining, shorty?" she said, sounding really irritated.

I was supposed to yell at her when I realized we're really in Thailand.

You could see the culture of this country by the architectures and huge statues of around.

It's so pretty.

"This is so gorgeous," muttered as my eyes roam around the place.

"I know right? I get that a lot," suddenly said the monkey beside me with her stupid smile.

"Not you, idiot. Tsss."

We walked further more until we saw a huge house.

No. This is not a house.

I think this is a castle.

I thought our mansion is already huge, I guess I was wrong.

The guards opened the gigantic gate for us.

"Is this where you really live?"


"Are you some kind of a Disney princess?" I unbelievingly asked her.

"No, idiot," she chuckled.

"Mom!" she let go of my waist and ran her way to the middle aged woman who plants some roses in their wide front yard.

She turned around and her face immediately lit up as soon as she saw Lisa.

"Lisa, my baby!"

"Mom!" The mother and her child met in the middle, beside the huge fountain, and there, they wrapped their arms around each other as if they haven't seen each other for decades.

It's a heartwarming sight.

I wish

I just wish I could be reunited like that with my mom.

I looked away because it's kinda painful to watch for me.

Jealousy is what I feel whenever I see a complete happy family.

They had their own little moment for awhile, completely forgetting I am here, not that I'm complaining though, but the mosquitoes are starting to see my legs as a buffet. So I interrupted them after ten minutes of making up.

"Uhm, excuse me..." I stretched my mouth a bit. I just hope that it won't look too forced for a smile.

"Oh! Mom, by the way, I would like you to meet Jennie,

my girlfriend," the pervert said as she wrap her arm around my waist while she wear her not-so-attractive smile.

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