Day 2

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 Day two of the masonic home camp. Today we went to a military base. Last year it was blazing hot. We were in the sun, and we were cooking by the minuet. But, this year was different. We weren't burning up. We weren't outside much either. First we went and did a turkey shoot simulator, you know like a gun simulator so they don't wast ammo on live shots. After that we went to the gym to climb the rock wall, as well as show us around the gym. One of the cadets was in Alaska for a little while, and he was saying that, that gym was one of the nicest gyms he's seen. The military gym in Anchorage, A.K., is one of the nicest in the USA. Then we ate lunch with them. Like they do every year, I would guess. After that they brought us to some kind of thing where they do some kind of flight training. I think. But, they taught us about snipers, or “professional stalkers,” as they put it. We got to get our face's painted with cameo makeup and hide like snipers. That was about it. I kept to myself most of the time. When we were taking the picture one lady came up to me and asked if she had to “bring out the tickle finger” to make me smile. I looked at her and asked her how old she thought I was. I mean, seriously did she think I was twelve?

When we came back, well, on the ride back I should say. Isabella was trying to be “original” and clever by doing this thing she called a zipper weave with some string they gave us. Bailey asked how she did it, and by just looking at it I could tell what she did, so I showed Bailey. Isabella got pissed off. It was kinda funny.

As soon as the van was parked at the camp, everyone asked about tubing. Mr. Chris said that we would be going after dinner. I helped him with dinner. Cubed some onions and tomatoes. No big deal. We had tacos, or I guess nachos. I have to was pretty good. We went tubing after dinner. Only two rides happened, then the thunder storm came along. I jumped off the dock twice, that's about it. The rain started pouring. I ran to get in the shower, and took about three minuets. Military style. Ha ha.

Then guess what happened..Yesterday and today, Lauren has been getting on my last nerve. For the past , more than 24 hours, “Oh, look my lesbian friend!” As people were getting out of their bathing suits, Rebecca pointed out someones boob...freak. I got up and walked out. Went and got my laptop, and came back. As I walk into the main room of the cabin, “the lesbians here!” I went off on her. I flipped out, and after about 5 minuets I got up walked out and went to the porch by the dining hall. I yelled at Mr. Chris and Mrs. Beth and who ever else was out there. They told me to go tell Mrs. Joni, so I did. She called Lauren to the “living room” of the cabin, talked to her, and let her know a little about me. Mrs. Joni told her that I'm a nice kid, that if she was a kid here she would trust Catherine and I. You know, the truth. And, as soon as Rebecca came into the living room, I looked outside and saw it pouring....You don't know how much I wanted to just duck and cover to run over to the dining hall... Stefan, get my saxophone and KILL ME NOW!!!

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