Day 8

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 Don't be mean to Polly! LOL. I was down on the dock around 7:40. P.M, and people were fishing. Alyssa caught a shark and when they got it off the hook, they threw it in the water. “Tell your friends.” Alyssa said that as she threw it back in the water. Once it was back in the water, Shelby said, “his name is Polly. Don't be mean to Polly.” You just had to be there I guess.

Anyway, I went tubing with Marie, and Mr. John was driving. It was so much fun. He gave us a hard ride on the couch tube, and it was so much fun, I can't even tell you. After tubing, Mrs. Malinda and I tried playing monopoly. She got board, then we just went and played cards all day. Pretty much all day. After dinner Lauren and I went for a walk, and I found a place that I want to just go sit down with my computer under a few trees and just sit there and write. Just sit there and write. Relax.

After our walk, I went down to the dock and started fishing. I caught a sting ray. Not bad for my first catch, right? I sat down there and fished for probably another hour. Then Catherine and I cleaned up, because no one else cleaned up their shit. Oh yeah, while I was down there, Bailey dropped Katelyn's MP3 in the water.. Anyway, we had a movie night. Caspar was the movie of choice, apparently. It was pretty good. I've never seen that. It was pretty funny. Well, I'm kinda getting rushed, so, night. 

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