Day 14

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 Ohmigod! I'm in so much pain. I flipped on that couch tube three times, with Marie. The first time she flipped us on purpose. The next two times she tried to keep us from flipping. Anyway, let me change subjects. This morning I wrote a song, called Never Knew. It took me thirty minuets. I can't get Stefan off my mind. I really can't. That ring he gave me, I keep looking at. That conversations we've had, I keep looking back at. I don't know why. Does that mean something is between us? Does that mean that we're meant to be?

Tonight we had spaghetti, it was really good. But, of course team one had kitchen duty. But, I only have to sweep and mop, so, ha. Anyway, after dinner, Alisha, Amy, Isabella, Lauren, and I were over in the houseparents apartment watching a movie. Well, a SyFi movie. It's called Tin Man. Like Alice in Wonderland with a darker, weird twist. Hard to explain.

Oh, here's a weird thing, that came out of nowhere. NOWHERE!!! Marie told her boyfriend, Allen that she would move in with him when she leaves the home. I am so mad at her right now. Let's just say that I don't think its a good idea. They have a past.

I called Mr. Tyner for my one call this week. I wanted to tell him that I might not be going to Tattnall next year. He sounded happy for me. He told me that he thinks that I'll be happier there. I totally agree. I think I will like it a lot better than Tattnall.

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