Day 17

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Lauren has lost her mind! Supposedly Marie has a book on dark magic. You want to know what it really is? It's a binder with a bunch of her poems in it ,4 spells, and something about angels/demons It's pretty funny. Realistically, yes it's wicken stuff, but, what kind of christian believes in spells, and dark magic? Do I believe some of this stuff works? Of course, but I see that it works because you get in touch with demonic spirits. You can sit there all you want and tell me that ghost aren't real, but if you believe in a God, and a holy spirit, you're basically disbelieving yourself. Think about how people get rid of haunting and possessions. They bring a cross in there, pray, and all that kind of stuff. There is no good without evil, and there is no evil without good.

Changing subjects. Today was the last sleep-in day, and we had cereal. Boring right? Well, kinda. Tomorrow is some what a sleep in day, but the people that get up are going tubing. So...guess where I'll be...the dock. Yep, great.

Anyway, today was a really bad day for Ms. Melinda. Lets just say it's personal. Last night was such a disaster. I should add. Lauren, Marie, Bailey, and Katelyn got in some kind of “fight” last night. I really think none of them got in trouble because Mr. Chris feels “bad” for Lauren. It has royally pissed me off. Why? Because if it was anyone else, they would of gotten consequences. They would of gotten in big trouble.

Lauren is also getting on my last nerve. She thinks that everything is about her. She thinks that she has the worst problems, she thinks that she's the only one who gets picked on. I had to flat out tell her about 7th grade. How I walked around with the kids making a cross with their fingers telling me that “the power of Christ compels you.” That's what finally got her to fucking realize how much shit I've been though. I don't understand why she can't get that though her head... Well, night. And Happy Birthday Marie.

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