Day 10

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 Well, today I pretty much laid around. I went out and sat in the field for several hours. I was thinking about what Stefan said yesterday. He told me he loved me...Do you realize how big that really was. Him and I have been hinting at those three words every time we talk, but we never really said them, until yesterday. Him and I have both been scared to say those words, mostly scared of regretting them. Scared of saying them, them getting hurt by them. The only other person he's said that to is Catherine, his ex-girlfriend. He doesn't even say them to his own family. I wounder what makes me so special, so different.

Any who, that's what my day has been full of. Sitting in a field alone, and thinking...Lauren found me then it just ruined it. What do people not understand about being alone? That's my time, my down time. That's the time I can get away from everyone. I didn't write a damn thing, but I got in touch with my inner self...sounds stupid, I know.

The guys are coming tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. Austin... Calm down, he's just a friend, and I'm going to keep it that way. But, he's one of my best friends here. The people who live at the home don't understand it. Want to know what I don't understand? I don't understand how people hate me one day then the next day their all “Crystal's awesome” I don't understand that. Do I ever want to date him....Hell-to-the-no. But he is a really good friend. He was here though some of the Carolynn thing. He was here though a lot of shit, I trust him. I trust him with my secrets. I trust him with my worries. Yes, I admit he's not a 10, he's more of a 3.2. But, friends are friends.... “I don't care if you're white, black, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you. Simple as that.” -Eminem

Crabs!! Someone's got crabs!! Catherine and Bailey caught crabs! Like legit crabs. I'll probably have pictures, hopefully. But I just had to add that. Isabella and I have been getting a long better. Lauren thinks that she's stalking me. What does Lauren not understand about me? I have more then one friend. I have way more then one friend. 

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