Day 4

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 God. I don't care if I'll get put on four plus, I want to be sent home from this camp...okay, honestly I wouldn't want to be sent back...but I've been miserable. Rebecca has been throwing tantrums every single fucking day. You do not understand how mad I've been. I miss people...Who? One person in particular, but just other being around in the city. At this camp I am around 14 other girls, and 3 house parents. I can't stand this...I want to just get these three weeks over with, so I can go to Mr. Tyner's for the two week break.

Well, we went tubing first thing this morning. Woke up, ate bisects, and went tubing...well I didn't get in the water, but I got on the boat. While we were down there, I was trying to ride on the tube, but people kept pushing in front of me, was just a mess. Isabella was the main reason for my anger... I hit something metal on the dock, with my right hand I pretty much cussed Gwen out. It was horrible.

My sunburn hurts like fuck...I can't explain it. After lunch it was pretty much just sitting in the dining hall playing cards. I got out my guitar, played that for a little bit... and at the moment Rebecca won't quit crying. I'm not even in the same room as her. Once again, I am in the living room. I can hear Rebecca sobbing, Mrs. Beth yelling, and other people talking about showers. Mrs. Janice had to bring her into here, where I am. Then took her out...Thank God.

Anyway, Isabella and Bailey were yelling at Lauren, and they basically have pushed her to the point that she talks about suicide. When I heard them yelling, all of a sudden it was like “Look at me, I'm sober, I got off drugs, do you see me doing this? No.” Isabella said

Then blah, blah, blah, “I'm going to just go jump off the dock, and drown myself.” They continued yelling at here then I heard. “Go to hell!” being yelled at Bailey. As she was walking away from them I called her over and started talking to her. All she needs is a friend. Someone who will just sit there and listen and talk about stuff they've went though. Don't get me wrong. She does aggravate me sometimes, but I'm still her friend.

We had bible study tonight, it may be Thursday, but we had it. It was about prayer. Mr. Rob was talking about how to pray, why you pray; stuff like that. He got us up and put us in groups. I was with Lauren. She wanted a prayer of love. I kinda feel bad for her, you know. She has no friends here, and everyone is extremely mean to her. I'm trying so hard to be nice to her. It's difficult. Not because she's mean, but because she can be vary annoying. Well...night I guess...

I still want my saxophone...Matt, can I barrow yours?

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