Day 13

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 Well, as I said yesterday, I'm gonna tell you about what happen last night. Where do I even start? Um... Christian. There's a good starting point. So Marie really likes Christian. Bailey was trying to force him to ask out Marie. Once Marie noticed, she knew that he was getting “pushed away,” and that was the start to her bad day. From there Anthony asked Marie if she was jealous, or that's what she told me happened on the beach. When they came back to the lodge after the beach, Marie was pissed off, so was Katelyn. But I tried to stay to myself outside near a tree, talking to Stefan on Facebook. It worked for a good while. When everyone had gotten changed, we went shopping. There are maybe thirty stores down there, all in a line. Yep. I bought a shark tooth with a skull and a purple dream catcher bracelet.

Anyway, Marie was pissed, as was I. Actually, before we did anything at all, after we showed up to the lodge, I went up to Anthony and gave him a warning about Lauren, who went home for the weekend. “I see what you're doing, if you hurt Lauren in anyway, shape, form, or fashion, more then 3 people will kick your ass.” Q-Tip, Austin, Marie, myself, and a few others that shall not be named. LOL. After that, we went to where we were going to watch the fireworks. I sat my blanket down, got settled. I looked over and saw Anthony sitting by himself, and went and asked him what was wrong.

He told me it was because he was thinking about Lauren. He told me that he really cared about her, but didn't know what to do anymore. I asked him if her really wanted to continue dating her, and he told me yes. To make sure I asked him if he wanted to take a chance of hurting her. He once again, said yes.

As the time for the fireworks came closer, they were playing music. I talked to Anthony, and sang along to some music that I knew. Christian asked Sara out, people clapped. Marie was so pissed off. I just kinda left her alone. Bailey was another reason that Marie was mad.

When the fireworks started, I guess they angled them horribly, so ash and firework parts were scattered all over the crowed. Bailey got a hot ember in her eye, and my blanket almost caught on fire. When I hear her screaming, I turn around to Q-tip and Anthony, and say “Karma Bitch!” I told them, pointing to Bailey. Okay, I have to admit, that was mean, but I knew she'd be fine. Or that's what I told myself.

The fireworks were really cool. Unlike last year, I got firework parts. Two of them. Let me change the subject to today.

Let's see... The people from the canoe trip came and cooked for us in the gazebo. The weather didn't let us tube. With the tropical storm on the east cost we are getting more then we thought we would. We thought we would just get a bunch of wind and some light rain. But, we're getting rain, thunder, lightning. A lot more then I thought.

So, today is the guys last day at camp. For now, anyway. I'm kinda sad that they're leaving, but at the same time, it means that the end of camp it that much closer. Yay! You know how much I hate camp...epically this year. Each day is one day closer to seeing Stefan. I feel like I sound like the normal teenage girl. But, I've never felt this comfortable around a guy. I've never felt this loved by any guy. Him and I just connect. I can't really explain it. With Carolynn it was different. I felt loved near her. But I didn't feel comfortable. I didn't feel as beautiful as I do around Stefan. Even talking to him over Facebook messenger, I feel like I can tell him anything. I've know him for just over a month, but I feel so close to him. I feel so...indescribable around him.

I can't get him off my mind, and I can't get over the fact that he's ready to trust me. I can't believe that he told me that I make him feel complete. I can't get over the fact that I am the only other girl he has ever dated. And he's so comfortable around me. With the things he's told me, we can relate to each other so much. We can relate to each others struggles. We can relate to each others pain, and memories. We can talk about shit we've been through, and understand how it would feel. Okay, I'm gonna quit talking because I can go on and on and on. If you're reading this Stefan, I love you, and I can't believe I'm lucky enough to have some one like you.  

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