Day 9

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Today was a movie day, so we went to a movie theater across from the Savannah mall. I watched How To Train You're Dragon 2, and others watched Transformers. After the movie we went over to the mall. How to train you're Dragon got out an hour earlier then the other one, so I was connected to the internet in the mall. I talked to Stefan. He worried me. I almost started crying. He burned himself with his lighter. Because of his ex-girlfriend, Catherine. He said that they were in the middle of their normal cycle. Ugh, he pissed me off with that. I told him how I was on the verge of bringing a blade or something to my own wrist. He told me to promise him that if I ever did anything that I would always keep his ring on. That was a promise that I was going to make him.

He gave me something to look forward to though. After camp, he said that he was going to try to make it to Macon for a day or two during the two week break. Hopefully Mr. Tyner would let me do that. I hope so. I'm really looking forward to it. Otherwise the day went by pretty fast, and I didn't really do anything. Just talking to Stefan made me feel better, but also gave me a bad feeling. I hope he's going to be okay. I remember a promise he made me was that he wouldn't drag me into his shit, that he wouldn't make it seem like my fault, even if it was. He told me he loved me, and wasn't afraid to say it anymore. Who would of thought that one kiss would go this far

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