Day 19

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 We leave tomorrow!! Yay! Instead of 21 days there's only 20. One day less in hell!! I'm still kinda sad that Matt didn't deliver my beating. LOL. But, believe it or not, it's gone by pretty fast. But I can also say that it's drug on forever. These past few days have just gone by slow. I can't really even explain it. The drama has become worst and worst, but has some how settled down. For now... until the guys get here. I can just since bad things. Creepy...

And...I was right. Once the guys got here the weather took a turn for the worst. It's now raining like crazy...again, and thundering. Lucky for Anthony that he doesn't get here till 5 later tonight. Or not. Lets just say he got here really late. And it has continued raining all day. It quit for maybe and hour, and they opened the pool. I got in, but not long after we had to get right back out. After the pool closed, I got in the shower and went back to the dinning room. I was sitting down at my lap top showing people videos. I played “If I Add You” “Turn Down for What” (both videos), and “Shit my Pants.” The first two are parodies, the next one was the actual music video, and the other one was one that I made. (see video). After that I road the golf cart, then drove it. Let me just tell you that Lauren can't drive worth a shit. I don't understand why it was so hard.

After that, I came back ans started playing SkipBo with Jacob and Alexis. It got boring. They served dinner around 6:15 PM. It was stakes!!!! Soooo good. I can't even describe to you how good it was.

Didn't I say I had bad feeling? Yeah. I was right. So Christian and Sara aren't talking. Christian is upset about it, scared that they're over, and Sara's completely unaffected. That's not even half of it. I was asked by Christian to help out, but I have bigger things to worry about. Remember that entry called “Night and Day”? Well, that may still become a reality. Lauren is still pushing Marie's buttons. She's still telling people about that black magic shit, and is also saying that Marie doesn’t deserve to live. That really pisses me off. Why would Lauren, out of all people, say that? Because she's becoming a bully. A person who like's to see others pain to make them feel better. It's really bumming me out. I just want to be left alone and talk know who. Just hearing his voice will make everything better.

I don't know. I'm just kinda...mopy I guess. Long day. I'm so tired that it's almost hard to keep a on a mask.  

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