Day 7

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 Wow, so much has happen in a week. Well, almost a week. It's Sunday. But looking back at the past week, I would still rather be on four plus then stay here. You can take my laptop, you can take my tablet, you can take my 3DS, you can even take my guitar, I would rather give all of that stuff to Mrs. Joni and wait months to get it back, then stay here. They may be able to take my entertainment, but they can never take my music, they can never take my ability to keep my self entertained.

I am going to call Mr. Tyner and ask if he can bring his trombone down to the camp and beat me with it. I'd be happy...I hate this.

Anyway, today I rid the tube, like ten times. I am exhausted. You don't understand how much I hate that thing. My knees are swollen, and red. After the tube rides, I got in the shower and sat in the dinning hall playing cards. It was somewhat relaxing. When Gwen asked me to put music on her tablet, of course I'm going to say no. She has been going off on me like, “she has explicit music,” that kinda of shit. I think that I'm going to be stuck her for the full three weeks. KILL ME NOW!!!! You think that I'm just saying that, I am getting to the point where I'm going to do something that I will regret. Something that several people would kill me for.

Dinner came along, I was having fun. Tormenting Chloe, and playing Skip BO with Ms. Malinda and Isabella. For dinner we had chicken, and corn. It was pretty good. Of course team one has kitchen duty, and I'm on team one. We were doing what we were supposed to, I was sweeping and moping, Bailey was wiping tables and putting up chairs. She kept mouthing off to Ms. Malinda and I snapped at her. I flat out yelled, then stormed out. Mr. Chris gave her three wheel barrows, which makes a total of five today, then I think she got more, so, maybe around ten now. I don't know.

I just can't handle it any more. I called Trey and it made me feel a lot better. Just hearing his voice made me feel better. If I could call Stefan I would, but, he refuses to give me his number. SO, I called Trey. We didn't even talk about anything. I only had ten minuets. I just feel like I'm stressing him out. I told him that I am getting to the point know. If you know what I mean. But the day I do that, I won't talk to anyone, I won't look at anyone, and I would just be a ghost, pretty much.

When we got ion the cabin, Lauren was putting blankets up, and Gwen didn't want Lauren's blankets hanging on her bed, and they got in a huge argument. It turned into a yelling match. God, it was horrible. After it Lauren flipped over and went to sleep. I've told her, if she sets herself up for it, I can't help her. That was one thing I could not get in the middle of. She's probably pissed at me. But, if she sets herself up for it, and it's not bullying, it's every man for themself.

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