Day and Night

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Day and night I wounder when the pain will come. I wish that the pain will come, so I have a reason to suffer. So I have a reason to become stronger. So I have a reason to go though shit that other people can relate to. So I have a reason to leave scare. So I have a reason to cause myself pain, so I have a reason to leave a mark. As I see drama go in right in-front of my own eyes, I have a want for it to become my own, so people around me don't suffer. So people around me see me suffer. So I am saw as the piece of crap people think I am.

Sometimes I tell myself that I am still going to prove the people who say mean things to me wrong. Sometimes I think that I'm here to show people that there is hope, show people that things do get rough, and I have seen people get though things that you probably wouldn't be able to even think of.

But it still gets tough. It still gets hard. I have hit a nice patch in my life, but I know it wont last for ever. I know that it wont be good forever. I know that the sun has to set at one point, and I wish it would come sooner then later. I wish the sun rise would last longer then the moon rise. I wish that I could walk into a new day without questioning the upcoming darkness.  

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