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He just keeps pushing the whole girl AND boy thing. Before we get into that 10:22 Kian says a guy is good looking. Nothing new about that who cares. But it's like he pushes it " I either just said some guy was good looking, which he is or it's me". And he knew, Corey knew, and we all knew that wasn't him. It was just like a cover up way from him to say the guy was good looking.

Next him pressing the girl and boy/ bi situation. Kian says " put this in the video cuz he has a girlfriend boyfriend with small feet" 11:44. It was like unnecessary for him to say especially knowing Corey is straight.  He just pushes bisexuality. Another one is a knj video made a while back.
At 3:18 the question "where is the weirdest place you made out .....with a girl".  He hesitated before he said girl and they both was saying or boy. It's like Kian was hinting at the fact that people only think he's into girls. Like he was shaking his head and was like or boy it's doesn't really matter. Jc chimmed in too and quick to say that his experience was with a boy. It's kinda like Kian came out to Jc as bi and he was trying to make Kian feel more comfortable since people we're always throwing girls at him. Ik that may not be the case but at the time that was a thought. Ik that's a old video but it's still happens today where Kian hints at both genders.

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