Kian and Ayla

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So I've been thinking about this for a while....and I still don't know.

I definitely feel like kian is ready for a relationship since the Andrea shit long ago. Buttttttt it also makes me long have they been seeing each other?

I'm sure kian wouldn't just start dating someone then post them that quickly. So Im thinking what if Ayla was the one putting those Hickeys on kian neck? Cuz the "hickey jokes" and crap been going on for a while. Jc could've been saying they were done by different girls to keep it a secret & people won't think he settled.

Now the next thing I'm on about is them being online with this whole relationship. Are they that stable in the relationship to be open about it. I mean if they didn't think it was gonna work or be a serious thing I don't think kian would be open about It.

I don't really know what to say about this relationship. I know nothing about this girl. I'm just happy this kiandrea shid will get put to an end for a while.

I'm just wondering where this relationship will go. Some say it's for publicity and stuff. I mean he looks happy I can't really say I'm against it or for it.

It's just confusing because it did seem kinda random. The way Jc and chels handled coming out is way didn't then kian and Ayla. J&C (lol) kinda took it slow. We know he was going on dates and he was hiding her face and crap.

Kian and his chick just kinda happened so it's like....where the hell that came from. Which is also why people may think it's for publicity.

A lot of things just making me think. Also all of the friends just seem here for the relationship. Like I understand being happy for your friend but u still would want to make sure... uk she ...right. It's just different.

I might have more to say about this topic but rn this is all I can think about always


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