Im done with KnJ

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So I'm starting to realize something about them. At first I was like w.e it's how they act that's there personality. Then I noticed it was going in circles it was a pattern.

Now u may ask....What are u talking about? Well knj tend to only care about there videos. Now before u attack let me explain.

In Corey video: I mean...Kian didn't look interested In the video. I was thinking like ok maybeeee he's not comfortable on people judging him like that...idk. But then in coreys other video I made a chapter on about Instagram comments....he also just didn't care. I'm pretty sure there's more also.

Then we have Ricky's new video. Kian had no type of attention span as you can see on ricky second channel. His focus kept shifting and he just didn't wanna participate. Jc also was trying to drift off. Everytime Ricky is in there video he's pumped and participating. I mean they say there tired it was dark or w.e bla bla.  Idk

Also the knj video.....Kian was sitting down doing nothing recording Andy and Harrison editing HIS video. Lastly karrisson getting a lil..too much for me✌✌✌

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